Has this happened to you?

United States
August 1, 2010 8:28pm CST
I do regular searches in mylot to make sure I don't duplicate discussions and to check to see if someone posts info on legit moneymaking opportunities. The last few times I that I have done searches I would see the reward box come up to show me that I won a few cents for doing a search. But I saw "you won 0.0! What? Does that make any sense? Has anyone else experienced this? It is a real bummer. Sincerely in Christ, Leesa C. Eph.2:8,9
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3 responses
• United States
2 Aug 10
This discussion goes on about twice per week, every member that gets this message posts the same thing we just decided that from here on in we would share that zero reward so that every gets a piece of it.
• United States
2 Aug 10
Gee thanks:)LOL I tried to search it but the search function on here isn't that great.
• United States
2 Aug 10
Yeah the search tool does not work the way it is suppose to at least that is what most of us feel as I see duplicates all the time and many members say they search, so it really isn't functioning.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Aug 10
You are not the first person who has gotten this. NO idea why it is. And the search function here doesn't always work all that well.
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
First time I hear of that. And it's quite funny Anyway I think the poster above already answered it for you. I haven't experienced it yet.