do you believe in destiny?

@rugene (57)
August 2, 2010 9:01am CST
How Can You assumed That People are destined to each Other,AND HOW caN yOU TELL THAT,That person Is Your Destined One?
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7 responses
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
29 Sep 12
I believe in destiny and honestly me and my husband believe that we are destined because of our story. He live in our subdivision when he was a kid but at the age of 10 they move to other part of our province so we never met each other. When i was in college I met him because there house is near in my school and after knowing each other we find out that her family relatives are just our neighbor.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
4 Aug 10
Hi reg, I did not believe in destiny till I saw Mr. Destiny. Yes, that's true. I always believed in the fact that destiny can be changed by a person by his / her deeds and the commitment to succeed against all odds. But there are somethings that go beyond this to prove that destiny exists and I could not run away from that fact either. Whether a person is my destined person or not... that is a tough question to answer. I think it depends on the person involved. You cannot have one person destined for everything with you. Professionally, this is a different person and personally this is another. And again there can be more than one taken together or individually.
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
I believe that destiny is 50% and choice 50%. We can never be sure.
@Skade24 (750)
• Romania
2 Aug 10
I believe in destiny. Until you spend some time with him/she, you can not say that he/she is the one for you. But i think that when you find a person, and everything goes just like in the movies, and all things are perfect, and the whole universe is happy for you two, and you have so much in common, i think then you can say he is the one for you.
@skmak110 (79)
2 Aug 10
There are several paths to choose from in life. What changes ones life is the path you choose to take in life...which decides ones destiny. How about fate? Is it the same as destiny?
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
I believe in destiny because man makes his own destiny. Destiny is only based on man's choice or action, therefore man is the one who is responsible and accountable for his destiny.
@kimkim888 (145)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
I do believe in destiny... But until now, i still don't now how can I can that HE is the ONE.