What will be the best anitivirus That can be DOWNloaded FREE?

@rugene (57)
August 2, 2010 10:37am CST
I really needed an ANtivirus to make me feel secure in my files at my desktop. I have here an AVG 8.5 ANd Norton.Can You SUggest Better Than This ANtiviruses? That Can be DOwnloaded Free from any charges?
2 people like this
15 responses
3 Aug 10
It is a nice topic ........ I used to be always behind av's tried many of them (In the past ) . But now I have shifted from windows to linux , so now I don't have to be worried about virus attacks . I remember re-installing my windows system nearly 7 time's in 3 years!!!!!!! Twice because I installed more than one av's . But now I don't have to worry about anything . If you want to try linux , then use the ubuntu live cd and try it out or install on a VM Any way Avast is the best av
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
2 Aug 10
You should never have more than one AV running at the same time (you may have more than one installed and you can run a disk check with any of them but only one program should be active at any one time). I recently changed from AVG to Avast because Avast seemed to be slightly better rated and is also said to be a little smaller and quicker than AVG. I certainly have no complaints about it and it seems to update its database daily (AVG was usually updated weekly). Norton is often supplied free for a trial period on new PCs. After that you have to pay for it. It has always (at least since 1993) been a memory hog and 'over-protective' in that some software will not install if Norton is running. I have never liked it and always remove it and replace it with AVG or Avast which both do an excellent job for free. I currently recommend the following: Zonealarm Firewall (free version) Avast Antivirus (free 'Personal Edition') SpyBot S&D Antispyware (checks for a number of things which aren't technically viruses) Adaware (software which should be run from time to time to check for 'adware' and suspicious cookies) All the above are free and are readily available by searching for the terms in bold (you can use MyLot's search facility and stand a chance of winning a reward!)
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
2 Aug 10
Although Spybot also runs a continuous check, it doesn't conflict with Avast (or whatever other AV product you use) because it is checking for (mostly) different things.
@Luwiego (622)
• Israel
2 Aug 10
Hello rugene, and welcome to myLot. I suggest to downoload AntiVir, its a great antivirus program that i use for a long time, and the best thing that you can downoload it for free from their website ! Cheers and happy myLotting, hope i helped !
@rugene (57)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
Hello Luwiego,It really Helps Thanks A lot!
@dav20b (507)
• United States
3 Aug 10
Well to me the best free anti-virus program that I know of is Avast and here is why it updates its self every day I am online with out me doing any thing,real time scanner,mail shield,real time web scanner I like this one,P2P scanner,IM shield,network shield,behavior shield.Since this program has many real time shields that protect your computer all the time.
• Hong Kong
5 Aug 10
I've tried some of these apps. AVG, Avast. I'm using avast for about 6 months, and have not had any problems till now. :). Avast use about 30MB of RAM, not too much rite? Good luck to you.
@ash_gray (128)
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
Hi rugene! I use Avira to protect my pc for viruses. It's free from any charge's you can download it from there site and update it regularly for free.
@AmbiePam (87805)
• United States
3 Aug 10
My friend who works on my computer when I have a problem, is a computer genius. I asked him what the best free antivirus protection was, since I cannot afford to pay for it. He recommended Malwarebytes Anti-Malware protection. So that is what I use. I've only used it for about two months, but it has been good so far.
3 Aug 10
It is a nice topic ........ I used to be always behind av's tried many of them (In the past ) . But now I have shifted from windows to linux , so now I don't have to be worried about virus attacks . I remember re-installing my windows system nearly 7 time's in 3 years!!!!!!! Twice because I installed more than one av's . But now I don't have to worry about anything . If you want to try linux , then use the ubuntu live cd and try it out or install on a VM
• India
2 Aug 10
Hello rugene, You can download free trial version of kaspersky,it is a nice antivirus.But it has some limitations,you can only use it for one month.Apart from that you can try AVG antivirus free addition,it has nice set of virus definitions and also it is free.If you dont feel comfortable enough with AVG then go for free edition of AVAST or microsoft security essentials.Have a nice day.......
• United States
2 Aug 10
Right now I use AVG on my computers and I haven't had any trouble. It is free to download directly from their site. My brother uses AVAST and he doesn't have any complaints either. I would recommend one of these two. I have never had a computer virus using AVG but when the scans are running the computer slows considerably. My brother says that his AVAST program doesn't slow the computer down as much. I hope this helps.
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
Well you can download any anti virus for free. LOL But I know you are talking about LEGAL download. I've been using AVG for the longest time now (but mine is pro) and it has no problems at all, atleast for me.
• Philippines
2 Aug 10
I already used Kaspersky, Norton and Avast. I am more secured using Norton. I have never gotten any virus the time I'm using Norton.
@Fayalite (39)
• United States
2 Aug 10
I use a combination of 4 freeware virus protection programs, because one just never provides full protection. I use Avast Antivirus, SUPERAntiSpyware, Malewarebyte's Anti-malware, and Spybot Search and Destroy. I've never had any fo these programs fail me, and together, they can take on every virus and piece of spyware I've ever encountered.
@nocturna (18)
• Indonesia
3 Aug 10
i use anti-virus smadav, althrough free, but effective againt all types viruses and malware.
@nxwkev (244)
• United States
2 Aug 10
I would suggest one of these antiviruses: Microsoft Security Essentials- requires genuine windows to be installed Super Anti-Spyware- Very fast scanning Avira Antivirus Overall, MSE is the best one.