
@baifuwa (636)
August 4, 2010 12:13am CST
This noon,i go downstairs and go out to the office building for lunck. But it is raining,a big rain. I have no umbrella. So i have to go back .Luckily,a colleague of mine has a dinnig card which is used in our office building. We go to there for lunch.
1 response
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
well.., i love it when it rains..i don't worry at all because i bring my umbrella with me at all times..rain or shine...=) as long as there will be no floods..i'm happy...i don't want to swim my way around the city when there's flood.that would be disgusting...=)
@baifuwa (636)
• China
4 Aug 10
Yes .it is cool when it is raining.But a heavy rain is worse thing.