Do we must be happy in our own country?
By charlies2805
@charlies2805 (777)
August 4, 2010 8:21pm CST
Hi all,
Just want to share ideas and thoughts about thing that I've been thinking lately. Well, as I see a lot of people migrated everywhere in the world and most of the reason is the same. The reason is : Get a better life. Knowing the fact that people leave their homeland for such a better life, does it mean that not everybody can enjoy their presence in their own land? Do you agree that everyone has to be happy in their own land no matter what happens? Please share all.
21 responses
@parrot2010 (812)
5 Aug 10
It's a lot easier if you enjoy living where you already are but if you want to or need to move for a better life then you will move, what matters is where you will be able to better cope with life. It's not even easy to migrate from one country to another nowadays. I live in England and I love it one of the most beautiful countries in the world but I don't mind trying out other places after having been in one country for so long. But England will always be my home.
@charlies2805 (777)
5 Aug 10
Mentioning England, I heard that the country is oh-so-full of foreigners. Can you see that? And what do you English people think about those people who come there to get better life? Do you feel somehow disturbed or do you even like it? I don't want to be racist but I just want to hear what local people think about foreigners who come over.
@parrot2010 (812)
5 Aug 10
I'll be honest with you, that is one of the biggest problems in our country, I don't mind immigration it happens all the time but when it starts to affect a country in a negative way it should be stopped or reduced. I have a lot of immigrant friends who themselves are saying enough is enough. I understand everybody wants a better life and moving is the only option but sometimes it's not possible. Now that the conservatives are in power they there has been some improvement but there is still room for more. Too many immigrants coming over means the citizzens suffer as they find it hard to find jobs because people from other countries like Poland are willing to take less money and I understand people want to hire the person who takes the least money home but slave labour is another thing I don't agree with especially in a supposedly forward country. I'm half English though my father was an immagrant and my mother is English, so I guess I'm half an immigrant haha!...
@charlies2805 (777)
6 Aug 10
Hahahaha... It's somehow funny when you describe yourself as 'half-immigrant'. But since your mother is English then I think you shouldn't mention yourself in such way as immigrant. That's it, the problem is : Affecting the country in such a negative way. My friend in England once told me that many people per month have been deported back to their countries after being caught working illegally. But after all I think you are nice person cause many people I know just don't like foreigners, many of them even don't like it for no reason.
@hotwheels20 (400)
• India
9 Aug 10
what is happiness? It comes only if you are enjoy your life, if you have enough money. No one is going to be happy if they are poor. Happiness doesn't only come when you are some where in a very big country like, America or Paris. Be it your country small or big. Do your education well that is must. Try to be dependent on your on fit, happiness is going to follow you. No need of migrating to other country. Think what you can do for your country, at least be the citizen of the country. If country running good, happiness for the people is definitely going to come.
@charlies2805 (777)
10 Aug 10
So, don't you think how much money you have sometimes also depends on where you are. I'm writing this cause I know in some countries we 'might get money so easily', unlike in other so-called-developing-countries. I personally know this cause I met people from some countries and each of them shared me their unique experiences. One from developed country in West Europe ever said that 'If I have no job nor money, I would just go to the government and ask for help, absolutely they will help me'. Another person from less developed country in Asia ever said to me 'If I have no money with me, then it is my risk of living'. I think that aspect can affect what kind of happiness you are having. Therefore, I'm not surprised knowing that SO MANY PEOPLE from less developed countries doing such a mass migration to more developed country just to get, what we call, as MONEY.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 10
I have been away from my home country for more
than 15 years and If were to ask me whether I am happy
with the country(place) i am staying now, I will say
the place is bit boring.Not much entertainment.
I still prefer Singapore,the place where I stayed for
the past 9 years and I really miss the life there.
Although the life there is more stressful,but at least
full of happenings and have better environment.
@charlies2805 (777)
10 Aug 10
Hi there, you wrote that you still prefer Singapore despite it is more stressful there? I wouldn't be happy in the place where I am more stressful. I would be very happy in the place where my heart can sleep within enough time although thinking about money money and money is still THE thing. Everytime I try to resist that money is the main of happiness, everytime I fail.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
5 Aug 10
We should not judge others, or make decisions for them. It is true that most people probably are the happiest in their own country, but not everyone. And everyone has to decide for himself or herself what is the best option for them. I personally moved from a developed country to another developed country, just because I wanted to live some place else for a while and have an adventure. And I really don't see any harm in that!
@charlies2805 (777)
8 Aug 10
Hi there, nice to know that you don't see any harm in that. But however people for sure do have different point of views. What I mean is that they might 'harm' you in such way that you don't see nor feel. I'm not pursuing you to find such negative things but just want to share that this world is full of puzzle.
@anandsrivastava (21)
• India
7 Aug 10
yes i was in singapore for time being but i was not happy there. i was trying to come back in my country(india).
@charlies2805 (777)
8 Aug 10
Hi there, I'm sorry that you are not happy in the place where you are now. I heard that a lot of people from many countries are going to Singapore to find such a better life. Well, again I'm not sure if Singapore can be THE place where someone can be happy. Never had any personal experience I say.
@crizjordan (108)
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
Of course we need to be happy..I am happy of my country because this is my country. This is the place where I lived and the place where I experienced the things that I need to experience about life. We need to be proud of what we are and where we belong because this what we are and nothing can change that. Be happy for what you are right now because that's God's plan for you and you need to be proud and you need to appreciate what you have right now! you need to cherish where you are living..
@charlies2805 (777)
6 Aug 10
Hi there, thanks for the comment! It really tells me to be very such a thankful person. Unfortunately, I have to admit that it is such a hard thing to be. When you mention 'somewhere you belong', does that always mean as 'something you are originally from', or 'somewhere else where you find it's okay'? Just want to get your opinion about that cause I have been asking more than 10 people and got more than 10 different answers as well.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 10
I love my country. So many islands to explore with different nature and culture. Lots of resources, human and nature. Though there are disappointments with our government, I still love my country and don't want to go migrate anywhere. However, if I have to go overseas to earn more money, I would. But with the thought that I can always go back and live in my country.
@charlies2805 (777)
6 Aug 10
Hi there, glad to know that you adore your own country. That's not an easy thing to do, especially nowadays. I always do the same thing, go as far as the time can bring but in the end I just want to sleep on the grass my country gives to me. I also think to earn myself money in overseas but in the end I just want to go back and help people building the country.
@paulybg (126)
• China
5 Aug 10
I am also puzzled about why they want to migrated to other countries, may the social welfare is much better than the countries they live, or maybe there are some other aspects of that country attract them. But for me, I would never leave my country and I love the people, place and all other things here. It is impossible for you to be always happy, sometimes you have to face some bad things. But I think happness and unhappness together makes our life colorful. If there is no unhappness in our life, we would not love the life very much either.
@charlies2805 (777)
5 Aug 10
Thank you so much for your delighting comment. Definitely agree with you that happiness and unhappiness make our life colorful, doesn't matter where we are. It's just ashame knowing that local people don't really appreciate foreigners who come over while the foreigners themselves enjoy their life there. You got what I meant , didn't you?
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
5 Aug 10
I must tell you first, that I am Hungarian and our homeland is a bit different than in other countries. Because we had a big country, that in 1920 was divided in many parts, 76% of the territory was given to the neighbor lands. I don't know if you know something about the Treaty from Trianon. This is the moment when everything happened. Now, we belong to Romania, and now the Romanians are a majority here, but still I feel that this is my land, and I was born here for some reason. I cannot guarantee that I will live here all my life, because I don't know what will happen, but I will try all my best to stay here, because these is my homeland and this is where I want to die. I will try all my best to live in wealth and happiness here.
@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
5 Aug 10
My mom has complained about coming to the U.S. ever since I can remember. I wonder why she ever wanted to live here anyway? She talks about how life was so much better growing up. I feel she hasn't done too bad over here. She has medical, a home, transportation, and so much more. I just get upset since I like the U.S. and they would have to drag me out of this country first...

@charlies2805 (777)
5 Aug 10
Hey there, maybe your mother just doesn't like the country for natural reason. I know some people dislike some countries for NO REASON at all. Once we ask them 'why', they wouldn't be able to explain, not even a bit.
@bokal2703 (802)
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
one can be happy in his homeland, that is if he knows how to be contented. But its a nature of human to keep seeking for more. So the tendency is for the person to go on his ways to find a more suitable place that will answer better his needs and wants in life. For example, here in the Philippines, life is much simpler when one will think of it. We have lots of resources for the country to be successful and to create more jobs, people here even smile even in times of problems or calamities,but since we have extreme type of society, where there are very rich and there are very poor, if you will look an overview of it, one may compare it to another country, and so, those who have the means and the courage to take the risk, migrates there. On the other hand, I still believe that happiness is within us, wherever we maybe be, we can be will just depend on how we see things that are being presented to us...may it be on our homeland or in a foreign territory.
@charlies2805 (777)
5 Aug 10
Thank you for your really deep and meaningful comment! I agree with most of your statements. I personally see people from some country compare their life with those who are living in 'more-developed' countries until finally they finally choose to migrate. But I'm just wondering what would the local people think about other people who come over. How about there in The Philippines?
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
I love my home land and the people here,,,... Most of the people would want to migrate because they want to seek a greener pasture for themselves and their families... We all know that unemployment is quite rampant here in the Philippines and with the corrupt can already see what is your future here.. But if given the chance that I might find a good paying job here in my own country,...there's no more reason for me to leave my family behind and seek the greener pasture..=)
@charlies2805 (777)
5 Aug 10
I think you are an optimistic person! Hard to be like you since you mention that your country's government is corrupt but then you still give yourself change to get along with it and not consider moving somewhere else where everyone says 'it's happier to be here'. Is the corruption very bad there in The Philippines? But if the government is bad while you can still enjoy your life with all the things, why not?
@indianpsycho (29)
• India
5 Aug 10
yaa lots of people from my country they are moving to USA Australia CAnada or other countries for good life style or for good studies. but i don't think so. i am happy in my country. here every thing i developing very fast. and all the basic needs of a common man is fulfill. i am happy with my country life style..
@charlies2805 (777)
5 Aug 10
Nice to know that you are very happy and thankful for being in your own country. That's the thing that people nowadays start forgetting to do. Well, for studying reason I think it's still acceptable cause they can gather experience from foreign countries along with their study.
@venture (12)
5 Aug 10
First of all i do believe that life is what you make it.Of course people have right to live wherever they choose in the world because we are a global citizens. Now i have one concern though, if a person tells me that they're leaving the country because they are not happy. Happiness can be found in your own backyard, you dont have to travel half around the world searching for happiness. My take is this you can find happiness and joy right there where you are.Many a times people come and go thinking that the grass is greener the other side to only find that it is the same everywhere and in some instances its even worse than where they came from.
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
5 Aug 10
Hello Charles2805.
I have noticed that so far,the comments made are from the immigrant countries,I know I am going to be classed as racist,but I wish you to know,I have many friends from many countries.
My main problem with immigrants being in my country is that once they get here,they start changing our culture and traditions.
I am not against people coming here to get a better life,however,leave your culture and religion in your own home,do not tell use we must change our ways to suit your religious beliefs or traditions,those you gave up when you left your country to come to mine.
I am sorry if I stepped on some toes here,but my grandfather,father and myself have fought wars to have the life we had before you came.
Thank you for the discussion.
@mimi199011 (1)
• China
5 Aug 10
i think it is not the country but the people in my country attract me most.i have friends and lovely parents here.they could be my worry partner.and i'm familiar with everything here,that gives me a sense of security and,how can i not be happy?
@khulith (38)
5 Aug 10
everyone love should love their country shame with them if they don't. we should see and love our country above everyone else. We should not let other foreign men put in our face first hoe awesome is our country, we should be proud of it, and know to develop the wonders of it. There is nothing wrong with getting better life in other countries but we should not forget that whatever happens to you in the other places of the world there is only one place that you can call home, and that is your beloved country.
@asdj1259 (28)
5 Aug 10
I don't agree with you.One by nature wants to get a better life.So do I.Don't you want to get a better life?We all have many familiar things that make us happy in our own country.In fact,we have few chances to get a better life,especially in my country,China.In this case,we have to go out of our own country to find more chances.In China,there are too many examples of this.
@vooturi (157)
• India
5 Aug 10
Its a great honour to stay in the home country,its like living with your mother one feels feels very comfortable living with his mother or motherland
There's nothing wrong in going abroad to other countries but one should never forget his home country
The best slogan i've heard is "Dont ask what the country has done for you,Think what have you donr for the country "
@06MLam (620)
5 Aug 10
I don't think everyone will be happy in their homeland because they might have some very unhappy experiences happened in their homeland and this makes them to prefer living in somewhere they feel strange rather than this familiar place where they will remember all their most unhappy memories in their life times.