Muslim Man can marry several Woman?

@jamed28 (1903)
August 11, 2010 11:33pm CST
It is a fact that Muslim man can marry not only one wife. But is it really in the teaching of Islam? A muslim friend of mind told me that they are only allowed to marry two or more wives if can afford to support them. So do they ask muslim man to submit first the list of their assets and bank account before marrying? My muslim friend also added that you can only marry those wives that are widow due to war. But I think this one is never been followed by muslims.
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4 responses
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
I don't think asking the Muslim man his assets before marrying is what Muslim women do. I think its rather obvious for them that if a Muslim man has a car, has a house that can accommodate lots of people, has money to buy lots of things.. it just goes to show that that Muslim man has the assets of providing for his wife and for their future children. If it really is that way, then a Muslim man is allowed to marry more than one wife. I have lots of Muslim neighbors and they do have multiple wives and kids in the same house! They even ride together in a van. Even in public, the Muslim man's assets are seen, I truly believe that he can provide for his family. Thus, he is allowed to marry and have multiple wives.
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
26 Aug 10
Islam is the only religion which says "marry only one". Does Christianity says to marry only one? NO. but some Christians just says marry only one. Bible never said to marry only one. Also Bible shows lots of examples or pious people, prophets etc having multiple wives. Does Hinduism says marry only one? NO. Lots of the big figures even having 1000s of wives in their holy Books. Many Hindus in India still having multiple wives. But in Indian constitution has put a restriction with approval for Hindu marriage act that marry only one. Yes Islam allows to marry more than one, two three or four max. If one can keep equality among them, deal with them in justice and having means to support them without bringing problems into the family. If one can do all that he can marry more than one, Other wise marry only one. So Islam generally advice to marry only one only. And Islam is the only religions which says that. Islam allows to marry more than one for certain people who can satisfy all those conditions I mentioned above, and which is limited upto four. In Christianity, Hinduism and other religions those never put an upper limit of the number of wives, so they can marry as much as they want. Peace.
@sinaj292 (602)
• India
12 Aug 10
It is a fact that muslim man can marry several women...... but there is one condition that he needs the capabilities to look after them, like money health,shelter,,,,,etc. A man with all the needs to look after all their wifes can only have the right to marry several girls....... other wise it is not allowing......
@ania66 (78)
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
Yes, it is a teaching in Islam by way of exception, not a general rule. The fact is that Muslim men are allowed to take more than one wife (up to four), provided that he can justly deal with them (wives) both emotionally and financially. Otherwise, he shall marry only one. In the past and during war times, widows were taken as wife by married Muslim men in order to support them. As per the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines, "Relative Polygamy" is practiced, whereby a Muslim man is permitted to have more than one wife if only he can deal with them with equal companionship and just treatment. Otherwise, he shall have only one wife. The Code also requires the Muslim man who intends to contract a subsequent marriage to secure permission first from the first wife. If it fails,there are still sets of secondary conditions to be met (e.g.- the wife cannot bear child, etc.,). So far, nowhere I read where SAL (Statement of Account and Liabilities) is required. I hope it help. :)