Are you finding ways to get out of debt?

United States
August 18, 2010 6:19pm CST
I have two bills I am trying to pay off. I know I don't want to have them hit my credit report. I will not feel right after that. I want so bad to get my self on track with this bill paying. After I finish paying for the school supplies and clothing. I will have to start making payments on these. What are the ways your finding to make your payments?.......Have a blessed day!
5 responses
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
I;m trying to curb my spending. I kept my credit card so I won't be able to use it. I also, have a list before I do my groceries. This way I can spend within my budget and not resort to debt.
• United States
27 Aug 10
I really need to start working on a list as well. I shop and go over budget sometimes. It will help me to have a list.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
18 Aug 10
hubby and i have a few little jobs that give us a bit of extra cash like taking out the garbage at a dentists office once a week and doing some parking enforcement.
• United States
27 Aug 10
That is really nice of you to do. it must make it a bit easy knowing your getting some more money for it. Great Job!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
3 Sep 10
We have been taking on extra work, selling some of our stuff, finding ways to cut down on our grocery bills, and in general doing nothing but pay off the debt. It's been tough but we can see the end. You'll be there soon too.
• United States
3 Sep 10
I am finally caught up on my bills. I got rid of my credit card debt and now hide my credit cards so I cannot use them again. As for my regular bills I make a list of bills that need to be paid and how much I owe. I always make sure that they get paid off first before anything else. I also make a list of what groceries I need and make sure that I do not over spend. if the item is not on the list I do not buy.
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
27 Aug 10
Yeah debt can really stink especially if you are not making that much money.The best thing to do is pay more than the minimum payement whenever you can and try to bring down the balance as soon as possible.Some people pay the min an keep using their card making the debt only grow in size.This is very dangerouns and can lead to lots of fiancial problems and even bankrobucy .