How to Keep Full of Passion to Our Work?

Work Everyday - All workers need to concentrate on their own jobs instead of something else. If they can't do that well, they may lead to a bad situation.
@BigTips (304)
August 19, 2010 4:28am CST
According to a recent survey, one in three workers is dissatisfied with their current job. So, they just find themselves in unfulfilling work situations. Obviously, this is not a good thing for themselves and our society. If you can't be full of passion to work all the time, then it may mean that we have waste lots of time on doing something else during the working time. So, I guess, What are they doing during work? Playing games on the Internet? Chat with their friends? In a word, they need to concentrate on their own jobs instead of something else. So, have you met such a bad situation? Can you show us some tips on how to keep full of passion to the work?
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33 responses
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
It's difficult to be passionate about something that you're not happy with. It's difficult to be passionate when you don't get support from you boss or company and from co-workers. If you are not getting what you're supposed to get. But we can always adjust. Make things happen. Me? I just think of the reasons why I need to work. And that makes me come to work. I also try not gravitate to those who contribute to my distress.
@BigTips (304)
• China
19 Aug 10
Perhaps there are some people who have no interest in their job. But in most cases, even if we can't continue our life indeed, we will have to pay more attention to it in case of unemployment. If you give up your job just because you are not happy with it, I am sure that lots of people will not continue their life because they have lost the source to make money.
• United States
19 Aug 10
Hi, Big! I really loved my job until quite recently. I taught 12th grade English for 42 years. Lately, over-regimentation and micromanagement pretending to be accountability have made it horrible! I am so grateful that I was able to retire early, so I'm not in the Back-To-School parade for the first time in my life!
• United States
20 Aug 10
Hi cobrateacher, I laughed when I read your post! The first time in your life yo haven't been in the Back To School parade! This will be my first time in 13 years, since my youngest graduated high school that I will be in the back to school parade. I start on line classes tomorrow for medical billing and coding. Hopefully, when I complete this I will be able to find a job. In the mean time I may need you for a best friend as I barely made it through 9th grade English!!! My 10th grade English teacher prefered that you read a book and wrote a report on it so I did good in that class!!!!
@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 12
To me, I must first love the job I am working on. For example, I am a software developer, I really enjoy programming, and I can keep working on it until I found the solutions even when I face problems. I have seen some programmers who do not like programming at all, and sitting down there working with the codes makes them really suffer. I just find that if you love the job, you'll be really happy at work and in your life too.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Aug 10
bigtips this is easy do what you really love to do, then you will love what you have to do. So find the job that fits your passion, then put all your passion and effort into it, and you will always be working happily and love what you are doing. For me it was helping others so I would feel fulfilled myself so I wo rked as a nurses aide and I loved doing it so much. The last part of my working life i worked as a page in a library and again I was helping others, and in helping others I found my real love for my work. do what you love and you will love what you do.
@BigTips (304)
• China
20 Aug 10
If you can find a job tht just suits your tastes, it is obvious that you can keep full of passion to your work. But it seems that it is next to impossible for everyone to find such a job. So, in order to find the solution, all what we need to do is help those who have no interest in their jobs at hand, which is the key to solve the problem.
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
Hi! For me I love my work, that's why it loves me back. I value it a lot cause I know it's hard to find a job and a lot of people have no jobs at all. So, if this workers keep up with what their doing they might loose their jobs soon and be jobless. Good luck to them.
@BigTips (304)
• China
19 Aug 10
Yeah, with the downturn of the our economics, unemployment rate is increasing day by day. More and more are losing their jobs and they are looking for a new job to make a living. So, it is unwise to keep no passion to our job at hand.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Well, I remember a quote from some famous individual that goes like this, "find a career you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Unfortunately many people are locked into jobs they don't like. Some people believe that if its fun, its not work. I have definately experienced working in a job i was not passionate about. This of course motivated me to seek work i would enjoy. Meantime though, i did the best i could with what I had and tried to maintain the productivity i was being paid for. Most of the time this pays of in the form of recommendations or networking opportunities. I believe that people that waste their time by doing as you suggest, playing games on the internet or chatting don't place much value on their time especially if they are not satisfied with the work they do. They can better utilize their time by searching online for employment they feel passionate about.
@BigTips (304)
• China
20 Aug 10
It is a fact that more and more people are locked into jobs they don't like. For the financial crisis around the world, it is a challenge to find a job to make a living, not to mention an ideal job that we really like. It is really a luxury to have a job that just suits our tastes. Perhaps, it may be helpful to improve the current working environment or provide a higher salary to the workers.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
23 Aug 10
the only way to love what you do is to do what you love. If you love to draw then you should be an artist, if you love to teach then you should be a teacher. i love having my women's groups so i am creating an online woman's group. i love showing people how to make money online so i have created my money making website. so for I have 40 members. you have to do what you love... then you will always want to go to work
@savypat (20216)
• United States
21 Aug 10
I was taught always to do the best job I can. So even if I don't have much passion for the job I still give my best. Especially these days you may find yourself in a job you don't like but if you give it your best sooner or later something else will come along, or you may even grow to love your job. After all a job well done is it's own reward.
• China
23 Aug 10
I like your discussion. And I am the one dissatisfied with my current job. Do the same work for so long time, all the passions at the beginning start to be disappeared, for me to do any job. Till now, I have no good ideas to improve this status.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Aug 10
One of the most important things in order to be passionate about our work is that we need to find a career that we love. For me, I love working with graphics, so I am looking for something where I will be able to play on photoshop all the time and I know that I wouldn't lose interest in this job. In addition to that, we have to like the people that we are working with. Finally, I think that you have to be agreeable to the politics in the place that you work.
@funkeyguhl (1743)
• Philippines
21 Aug 10
I think the reason some people do not the passion for their work is because it was not where they intend to be in the first place. With these tough times, people do not have any choice but to pick which one pays more so that they can pay off their debts. I think not all people do not enjoy their work because I do see some who are enjoying what they do and this is simply because they love what they are doing. Other times, the reason why some people do not have the full passion for their work is because they do not like the relationship they are building with their colleagues - it could be that they are constantly bickering and all. For me, I am not in the position where I can say I have the full passion for my job but I do try and appreciate what is there for me... and the other thing is I have a goal in mind which pushes me to work hard - the thought of going home debt-free :)
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
21 Aug 10
In my mind, I always try to do "the best", not "my best" but "the best." I worked in housing and always got compliments on my work. I set a goal, and try to attain it. Finish this in one hour, do great on that, etc. If the bosses are jerks, I ignore them when they try to be mean. And although some jobs are stricter in terms of "talking back to the boss", I stand my ground with the threat of being fired. I'm too old to take a lot of foolishness. I do such a good job that they step back when I stand up for myself. I don't threaten violence. But I don't let them treat me any way they want to. I've worked for quite a few arrogant "young one's" who have to be told to learn how to respect those under their supervision.
@sarath49 (761)
• India
21 Aug 10
i think the most important fact is that for satisfying the comfortable of one person two person has to do their work.
• China
25 May 12
I like my current job very much-but it is low season for my department.I feel so boring and I do not know how to spend the working time. I try my best to do something meaningful,reading the English newspaper,discussing in mylot. In my opinion,evryone has an emotional wave for some times.It is hard to keep full of passion to the work in all times unless someone is always busy and really interested in his job. If you really feel tied with your job,just hold on,have a tea,talking someting brisk with your workmate for a while,maybe your passion can be rekindled
• United States
20 Aug 10
I had a job that I totally loved and I was very good at. I met our quota! I was a full time cake decorator for a VERY large Company and their quota was 10 cakes an hour for the case and 6 for special orders. I could do it but I couldn't keep up the pace every day all day long day after day. I don't think anyone could. But they also kept piling other work on us. Answer the phone, wait on members, put away supplies, order supplies, they still wanted that quota for the cakes! We also had to clean everything and this included scrubbing the floor! All within 8 hours with our lunches and breaks in too!....I still loved the job I did, I loved the people I worked with, I did a good job and except for the overload I accomplished the majority of it. Then we got new management in and they got more demanding. I ended up getting fired, I don't believe that was because of production because today, less then a year later, there is noone working in that department under 30! Those of us that got fired were all 45 and above!!! For where we live none of us have found jobs, because there are none. I had the passion for my job so I don't have any tips for you on how to keep it when the bosses are so critical but I would tell everyone that sometimes it isn't the employee! I was always on time for work, I was always working, I was always there, I never went home sick and I never called in sick. I even went in on my days off because they needed someone and worked over because the job wasn't done.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
20 Aug 10
I've had job I liked and jobs I hated. Now I have a job I LOVE. I'm a pet sitter. The work is hard. The hours are long. It can be too hot or too cold outside. Sometimes the work is dirty and stinky. Well, pets poo and pee. It needs to be cleaned up. I don't care. It's just a small part of the job. I had 7 jobs today. Woo hoo. I got to take care of beautiful rabbits and even showed one off to a friend who was walking by. I had a Dalmatian, a German Shepard, a Rottweiler, and a Great Dane. Plus my great girl. Life is wonderful. Of course this job is perfect for me. It might not be right for others.
@sharie16 (2212)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
To keep the passion of your work, you have to first love the work you do, and the work you should have will be those that interest you. If you do a work that you doesn't even understand a system of your task, then you will never be capable of doing such job, if you love the work, you value the most of it and even contribute great ideas with the job you do. Sometimes other people work not being on the field they want or the field they have studied, but they are still being motivated doing a a great job because nowadays it's very had finding a job and you have to do something that would keep you supporting your needs. And one thing, it is not the company that you are working that will lose something but it is the person itself that losses such great opportunities. So love your work while you are still on it, don't regret it when it's gone! Happy mylotting!
@allknowing (134696)
• India
20 Aug 10
Beggars are no choosers when it comes to getting jobs. That is the current situation in the market. First and foremost one does not get to choose the subject in which they have an aptitude to pursue their studies what with having no balance between aptitude and subjects available nor do they get admission in colleges of their liking. Having said that students get ready to walk into the field of careers equipped with something that they do not like. But survival is the issue here and what cannot be cured has to be endured with just one goal in mind that is to keep an eager eye on what could be there for them to grab when opportunity strikes. Just as we have had no choice of where we would like to be born and yet we accept it and move on so should be the attitude when one cannot change the situation.
@Savedeath (255)
• China
20 Aug 10
This is not a easy job.You know if everyone can keep full passion to the work,then it means that there should be more winners here.But actually we can't find so much.I think it's easy for somebody to find themselves some reasons to be lazy and i am one of them.Now i just find a problem that even i have known something is good for me,but i still can't insist on it.This really bother me a lot!But i know that i should be firm enough to practice my mind,and that's not something that anyone else can do it for me
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 10
I guess if a person is doing what he/she likes in the first place , then the passion will be there.However, in true life , people are often forced by limited choise, other burdens, circumstance and such not to have their prefered job.In this case, i guess setting goals,targets and self upgrading is important. Sometime knowing and knowing what u expect in the job is i am doing this job just to earn salary so that i can achieve my true dream and such.