Buying gifts for prisoner's children

United States
November 17, 2006 7:17am CST
Would you participate in a program that buys gifts for children of prisoners, so that they can have a better Christmas? There is a program at our church where a congregation member can pick a name of a child whose parent is in prison, and buy that child an article of clothing and a toy, so that they can have a better Christmas. Even though I participate in this, my husband is totally against it. He can not believe that we would buy presents for these children, whose parent or parents had the same chances as everyone else to make a good life for themselves, but instead chose the life that led them to prison. What do you think?
1 response
• United States
19 Nov 06
I would totally let the children have a better Christmas. It would probably wrench my heart when I'd place it under the tree because it won't be a great Christmas for them since the parent or parents are in prison. It's an attempt to brighten up the children's Christmas.