Iphone 3G vs Iphone 4G, what to buy?

August 22, 2010 10:45am CST
Since there is a new Iphone 4G and its reputation about its signal has not been so good then there's the Iphone 3G which have been cheaper because of Iphone 4G? Do you think it's more worth to buy Iphone 3G than Iphone 4G?
1 response
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
Design wise, I would definitely choose the Iphone 3G over the Iphone 4G. The Iphone 3G looks more sleeker, more sophisticated and I just love how it curves around unlike the 4G that looks plain and simple. There's that signal problem with the Iphone 4G that they are still resolving. But when you compare both 3G and 4G's features side-by-side, Iphone 4G wins in this department. 4G has all the new and upgraded features of the phone. Check out this link which shows a full comparison of both phones: http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/compare_advresults.php?phones[0]=2962&phones[1]=4586&area=2 Even if the Iphone 3G is cheaper than the 4G, since you are buying a high-end phone such as the Iphone, might as well go big. Go for the latest model which is the 4G because it has better features (5 megapix, video call capabilities, HD video, etc.). If you are not after the latest features, then just go for the 3G. It looks sexier than the 4G anyway. :)
• Singapore
27 Aug 10
Thanks. You help me alot.