Blogger Vs Wordpress witch is better for blogging?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
August 22, 2010 7:49pm CST
Well seems that helf the population in the world has a blog for business or just for fun. I've got two blogs one with blogger and the other with another blogging services and recently I've been helping family with there blog, and I've decided to use wordpress for there blog it seems pretty good accept for few glitches here and there, so far wordpress has a lot of good features but the program seems a bit more complicated compared to blogger. What are your thoughts on these two bloging programs? Blogger Vs Wordpress
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7 responses
• India
26 Sep 10
Blogger is the best for a beginner in blogging . The user interface for beginners is best in blogger .While experienced fellow in blogging can word press.
@iwrite (5034)
• Singapore
23 Aug 10
apples99 I have used both platform before, I might be a little bias, as I think blogger was a little unfair to me. However you might want to try before you decide. If you are just a regular blogger and do not want to mess around with the features, then it really does not matter as both actually about the same. However if you are a serious one. Then I suggest you get a host and get wordpress. Wordpress gives you a lot of control and there are a lot application being created each day for you to enhance your blog.
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
23 Aug 10
Hi apples99 I have used Blogger and I feel blogger is easy to use... well it also a popular site so there is lot of help available form blogger as well as form others using blogger.. I have still not thought of using any other blogging site.. I have not used Wordpress so can't say about it..
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Hi! Blogger is old school, lol. I'm into Worpress now. Even my friends in the U.S. are into Wordpress. Their features are far more better than Blogger and posting pictures are so much easier too.
• Singapore
23 Aug 10
Hi apples, I signed up both blogger and wordpress accounts when I was dabbling with blogs a few years ago. Both have their own features, however, gradually I use blogger more as it is more user friendly and easy to customize. Wordpress template is more rigid and difficult to manipulate into what I have in mind. I think it is more important that you try it out for yourself because different people have different requirements. What suits me may not suit you.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
23 Aug 10
Blogspot, because it is easier to make money with it, while you need to pay on Wordpress to be able to do it. So it all depends on what the purpose of the blog is I guess, but don't we all want to make a bit extra if we can?
@gunagohan (3414)
• India
23 Aug 10
I do support blogspot... I have heard about word press, but i did not try it.. I always continue with blogger..Most of my friends are connected with Blogger and it will be easy if i update anything new about my tour or enjoyable moments.. I'm pretty satisfied with blogger options!!