Easter Guest

Unexplained Easter Guest - The "P"s in the photo, is where there are people sitting. 

The "X" is above a chair where noone was sitting. 

But there appears to be an image there.

Taken on Easter after parents had passed away.
@mellbrb (250)
United States
November 17, 2006 9:12am CST
July 1997 our father passed away. Ten months later, May 1998 our mother passed away. This picture was taken on, the first Easter Sunday, after our mother had passed away. Just when things were starting to wrap up. All of us were sitting on the porch chatting. My husband came around the corner of the porch. And took this photo. There are only 3 of us sitting in there. The "P"'s are the people. And the "X" is where noone was sitting. It was taken with an instamatic camera. As you can see it's a little odd. None of the other photographs taken that day were messed up. So it wasn't the camera or the film. Notice the wisps and orbs throughout the photo? Also that fall my niece, sitting on the floor, the closest "P" on the left, was diagnosed with cancer. After few hard and terrible years of struggle & fighting the cancer, she was taken from us as well. While a lot of guesses have been made as to who it is: Some of us believe that it's our late Father, because he would always sit in that rocking chair. Others of us believe it is our mother as well, because she always sat there beside him. Both of our parents wore glasses, dad once in awhile, mom most all the time. And our dad had black hair & mustache, mom had long brown. The image seems to be wearing glasses & dark hair, also there looks to be a mustache. I myself think it was both of them, visiting us on that Easter afternoon. Odd that none of us chose to sit there?
2 responses
• United States
18 Nov 06
While I have no doubt in my mind that they were both there that day. I still say that the face you see, is GrandDaddy. It just looks too much like him to be anyone else! I think if Kim wasn't sitting in that other chair, we would have seen Grandmal there. Which is why Kim's covered in that white light worse than anyone else. lol
@mellbrb (250)
• United States
19 Nov 06
Yes it does look more like your Granddad than Grandma. And that could be why the white light was worse there. She was in her chair! lol Either way it is a special picture. ~*~ Happy Holidays ~*~
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
18 Nov 06
That's great I have had a few odd experiences and photos that are hard to explain. I think if your gut tells you something, that is what it was. Lucky you having a special visitor.
@mellbrb (250)
• United States
19 Nov 06
I feel the same way. We all got chills, when we looked at the piture. We do feel lucky to have these special visitors. ~*~ Happy Holidays ~*~