How do you start your day? Hot or Cold?

September 2, 2010 6:05pm CST
Starting your day with a good breakfast is good because you will have the energy for the day ahead. So tell me how do you start your day? Is it with a hot meal like toast, coffee, hot tea or with something cold like cereals and cold cuts?
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16 responses
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
2 Sep 10
I'm usually a mix. Cold food, hot drink. I just don't get up early enough to make myself something hot to eat, but my coffee can brew while I pour myself some cereal.
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• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Thanks for responding
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Sep 10
Every day is different, eggs, sausage and hash browns one day, bagel with cream cheese the next, cheerios with rice milk the next. Some days I start off with a papaya...
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• Philippines
2 Sep 10
Thanks for responding.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I don't really prefer either- I like both! LOL Sometimes, I like to have cold cereal or yogurt, sometimes I like hot toast and eggs or waffles. I also like coffee sometimes hot and sometimes cold.
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@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
I always start my day with hot liquids.., I always drink coffee at the beginning of my day and end it with another cup of coffee too., i'm such a coffee addict.., I am never a cold drinker.., I prefer to drink hot beverages.., to make me sweat..=)
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@paopaolar (226)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
I start my day hot. I can't possibly be awake if I don't get the chance to sip a cup of coffee. Although sometimes I start the day both with hot and cold depending on my mood, well of course if the weather's hot I would love a cold breakfast.
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• Philippines
4 Sep 10
i start my day eating and drinking hot food. usually it's newly cooked hams and egg and rice with hot coffee. i usually eat heavy meals.
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• Malaysia
2 Sep 10
Hello magojordan.. I do start my breakfast with hot meal like rice (nasi lemak) and hot tea or coffee. Most people in Malaysia having the same kind of breakfast style. Moreover the meal is easy to get as many people know how to cook the rice and most stall sell the nasi lemak. So don not forget to try nasi lemak when you come to Malaysia. Happy Mylotter!!!!
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I will generally eat cold cereal in the morning, but if the weather is cool I will eat something like oatmeal or maybe pancakes. It really depends on the weather outside and what I am in the mood for.
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
11 Sep 10
Hi, magojordan. I love to eat a hot breakfast. Grits and eggs really full me up. It keeps me satisfied much longer. I also love having a bowl of cereal too. It fulls my stomach up and I don't get hungry as easily.
• United States
9 Sep 10
I start my day w/a good hot cup of coffee but i don't like food w/it. I love breakfast food but like to be up awhile before i eat. When i do eat i drink ice tea w/my meal , summer or winter. Us hillbillies like our sweet tea, lol.
• China
3 Sep 10
I have the different breakfast in different season. In summer, cold milk and cereals are my favorite. And when the weather turns to cold till in winter, hot porridge and hot milk I will choose.
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@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
Hot milk or sometimes hot coffee for me even if coffee's bad for me i still drink it only a few times a month :D I can start a day with just the hot milk and no other food..
@mauie0918 (337)
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
I just have bread and hot coffee for my breakfast. Sometimes only hot coffee. Yes and my coffee is anti-cancer coffee. Try it!!!! It's 8 in 1
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
A hot milk or chocolate would be great to start a cold morning. I also love to eat hot rice or sometimes cereals. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
4 Sep 10
my day always start with a hot cup of coffee. even if i do not go to work, i always have coffee at home, in the morning before taking my bath. meal follows an hour or two after.
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
I start with a hot cup of coffee.