money is not everything but money is almost you agree???

@abj163 (1037)
September 3, 2010 3:17am CST
hi friends .....the above's line is my thinking and thats the way i think...... i think money is not everything but it is almost everything matters a lot in every field of life..... if you look at some rich people around you ,you will see that a lot of people respect them for no reason...they dont see which type of money is that ( i mean corrupted or earned honestly)....they just see money and respect that rich peoples...... have you noticed these simple things ?? do you agree with me????
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22 responses
@catalady (363)
3 Sep 10
I have two little quotes in response to your discussion abj : 'Money can't buy happiness but it can certainly rent it for a few hours' 'All I ask for is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy' :o)
@abj163 (1037)
• India
4 Sep 10
i never said money can buy happiness......i said money is not everything already..... but there are only few things like happiness, true love,talent which cant be bought by money....
@abj163 (1037)
• India
12 Sep 10
oh....then its fine...... happy mylotting
@catalady (363)
4 Sep 10
Those were quotes I posted abj, not my personal opinions :o)
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
3 Sep 10
We need money to buy the necessities of life. We need money to pay our bills and support our housing costs. We can't make money be the only thing that is of great importance in our lives. There is so much more for us to to appreciate. We can't let money rule our lives, but we can use it to help us get to where we want to go.
• China
4 Sep 10
ye ,sender, i agree with you. In this society, we need money for daily life. If we cant afford ourselves, all the faith we pursuit of is only dream. We could do our best efforts to earn enough wealth for we loved.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
3 Sep 10
Hi Abj163, I agree with your statement to a point. As for the respect part...not so much. Some people might respect rich people simply because they have money but I don't and I know others that don't. I know people that have money that look down upon others and are basically jerks. Whats to respect? I also know people with money that have worked hard to get it and are just all around very good people and I hold a great deal of respect for them and would whether they had money or not. I do think that money is everything or almost. When my lights are being threatned to be shut is everything. THere are a lot of things that are more important than money but when you need food or gas in your car or some other basic necessity in life then money seems to be everything at that moment.
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@akn1961 (1034)
• India
3 Sep 10
its fine well i am fully agree with you this is right thanks your discussion.
@yeyelee (370)
• China
3 Sep 10
Nowadays,true love or friendship is no longer the prior pursuit of some people,especially the young generation.The society is becoming distorted and impetuous more and more.Many think the money is everything.They can purchase luxury goods and live a comfortable life.So they take shortcuts. I do agree with you that money is not everything and we should earn it hoestly by our hands.And money is necessary,we need it everywhere,because this is commodity society.
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@iamjesca (185)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
I agree with you on that point. Because although there are far more greater happiness than money can give. But lets face it, we all need money to live. In every move we make, money is involve. It makes the world go round i should say. And nowadays, even how ironic this is but some people can be bought by money. Lets just hope that despite the need to have money, people can also find the importance of love and happiness.
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• India
4 Sep 10
You are right is everything are without money nobody see you.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Sep 10
It is when there is a lack of money that e we appreciate the importance of it! Money is important because we need it in order to buy food and pay bills; it isn’t the be all and end all but a necessity. Having said that I must say that lots of love from good people is far more valuable and cannot have a price on it.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
4 Sep 10
I dont think having alot of money should be a reason to respect someone. Those kind of people that think that way must want something for sure. Money is everything in a way because to get what we want we need money, but of course it isnt everything. You cant by love with money, at least true unique love.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
4 Sep 10
Those people are called gold diggers (:
@abj163 (1037)
• India
4 Sep 10
ya u r right money is not a correct point for giving respect...... but there are some fools in this world who do that..... they just respect that people for no reason.....
@abj163 (1037)
• India
4 Sep 10
haha ....ya....they are gold diggers....they just want some bucks for free from those rich people....
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
4 Sep 10
Hi abj163, In this failed economy, money is the essential source of survival. If you don't have money right now, you will not be able to have a good life. I know that sounds like a myth, but just think about it. Most everything in our society has to have a dollar sign attached to it. If you don't have sufficient funds, you will not be able to afford proper medical treatment when you are your family members become ill, you will not be able to keep your rent or mortgage payments current, nor will you be able to pay your utility bills. These vital everyday essentials for survival will simply be denied to you because you have not money. I watch the television shows with all the talk-show hosts, who have nothing in the world to worry about, because they have more than enough money to bail many struggling American out of the "red" or out of debt, but they are oblivious to the plight of the poor people in their own country. Some rich people get their recognition through the charity work they do in other countries. They save lives of orphan children or some animals that are about to become extinct, forgetting to look in their own backyards, if you will, for children, entire families, and animals who can, with their help, have a better life. I do admire people with money, who are charitable. I don't admire them because they have lots of money. There are many people with lots of money, that I won't want to sit in the same room with.
@krkavsy (191)
• India
10 Sep 10
Money has got its limitations but the fact is it is the most important thing in in life. Money should be earned in legal ways and we should refrain from helping others in money matters unless we get returns.
@abj163 (1037)
• India
10 Sep 10
yes its the most important thing in life....i agree wid that.....! happy mylotting
@tovk12 (234)
• India
11 Sep 10
Yes money is important in life. It can buy you all the material needs you have. A house, a car, food etc.. But it can not make a house a home or give you the joy when you are with your loved ones. Money cant make someone love you unconditionally. It cannot give you a mothers love or fathers protection. But yes money is important in life and we all go to various lengths to get the money.
@krkavsy (191)
• India
11 Sep 10
These are the limitations that money has got. But when human beings are not perfect then how can man-made things be perfect. When we have our limitations then how can we expect money to be perfect. Money is after-all a medium of exchange and it has replaced barter system. We we die we go empty-handed but we need money to live comfortably.
@abj163 (1037)
• India
11 Sep 10
yes money cant give love and protection of said previously by someone that you can buy medicines but u cant buy health with money.... happy ganesh chaturthy and happy mylotting
@ellechoi (281)
• Hong Kong
5 Sep 10
Yeah, i agree. Money is not everything but almost everything. I mean , if we don't have money , we can buy anything we want.I really admire the rich.The rich , they can buy anything without thinking. Hope someday i can be like them
• China
4 Sep 10
I think that money is not everything.As the saying going like this,you can bue medicine but yon can't but health
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
Yes. It's more than true because anyone can hardly move if they don't have money. The basic supplies in your life really relies from the money you earn. Even some personal affairs, money is as important as love. lol.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
4 Sep 10
Hi abj! I hate to admit, but you are right! Money does seem to breed respect, even if it isn't earned! Some of the most miserable people may have money, but people think they are so wonderful because they are "rich". I think that is very sad! Some of the nicest people that I have ever met have had just enough money to live, as I do and they would give you their last morsel of food if you needed it!
• United States
3 Sep 10
money may not buy happiness But it sure makes being miserable more bearable !
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
3 Sep 10
I used to fell that way. Now I think money comes in 3rd. First there is your health and the health of your family and friends. Next it is family and friends. Without family and true friends all the money in the world wont make you happy. Next you do need money to just enjoy life.
@cajimenez (452)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
Money is not everything. But , it is an important needs. You just can't simply live without money.
3 Sep 10
Absolutely, The world runs on the exchange of money now days. We are also brought up to want the finer things in life and lets face it they cost money. If we aren't spending money on nice things than we are complaining about wanting them and sad so therefore or happiness usually depends on what we are able to buy which all boils down to money. Lets face it most of us aren't even happy at a job where we don't feel we are making much money.