do you trust politicians....

United Arab Emirates
September 4, 2010 4:14am CST
as per the latest developments all areound the worl do you think corrupt politions should be given a chance for standing por polls again.... in my view they should never be allowed again if proved guilty :)
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2 responses
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
In fairness, politicians are doing something for the good of the country. However, self-interest most of the time, interrupts their public service resulting to their involvement in corrupt practices. Anyway, history tells that rulership by politicians is never perfect thus we should long for a government beyond political system. I long for a theocratic form of government of God soon to take place here on earth.
• United Arab Emirates
5 Sep 10
if we check the history many of the politicians are not from the rich afmily but still at the mid of their career they are millianre :)
• Philippines
4 Sep 10
its depends but some politician are good some are not
• United Arab Emirates
4 Sep 10
i but i think they are not punished enought for missusing tax payers money :)