Sadie, Sadie, Sadie...

United States
September 4, 2010 11:00pm CST
My husbands demon dog is at it again. Today I made myself a turkey sandwich. I had to run to the garage to close the garage door, I wasn't gone for more than 5 seconds flat. I came back to an empty plate. I was furious but there was nothing I could do about it so I pulled to toaster out again and started making myself another sandwich. I heard the baby cry so I ran to her room to get her out of the crib, and what did I come back to? Sadie had dragged the whole pkg of turkey down and ate every last piece (brand new, ARGH). Well no turkey sandwich for mom today, stupid dog!
2 responses
@paopaolar (226)
• Philippines
5 Sep 10
Whoa what a dog! I can't imagine how he could possibly ate the whole turkey at a very short span of time! He must be really hungry, or maybe he just love turkeys
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
5 Sep 10
This is not a stupid dog, soldierswifee! This is a smart dog! Sadie had a successfull hunt! She hunted a whole package of turkey. How come you can't see she is smart? Now I am able to joke about this (I hope you don't mind) but I wasn't like this when Binne ate my fried eggs and let me without my breakfast. And she was so little, she could hardly reach the top of the table. I still wonder how did she get to the plate to steal the eggs. Back to your story, I hope Sadie didn't eat the wrapping, too. If so, you should worry about her health.