What god about us Filipinos?/

@acey76 (1276)
September 7, 2010 1:41am CST
recently our nation our bombarded by negative critisizms made by other country and worse our fellow Filipinos.....for a change can you tell me what good about our country and us Filipinos??
10 responses
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
7 Sep 10
I'll tell you what's good about Filipinos (from a foreigner's perspective). Their kindness. I am not some American that has heard something about the Philippines from someone else that heard it from someone else. I have been to the Philippines for a long period of time. And the one thing I notice about Filipino people over all is their kindness. Filipinos greet everyone with a smile. They say "Magandang umaga." "Magandang Hapon" and "Magandang gabi." It doesn't matter how many times you see them, they are always going to greet you with the same smile and enthusiasm like it's their first time seeing you. There are many things said about the Phils that are just not true. Phils don't go around seeking out foreigners to beg them for money. I never had a Phil ask me for anything. The Phil is not full of terrorists. There is more terrorist activity in America each year, then decades of Philippine history. The Philippines is not full of barefoot people living in shacks walking through their filth. There are are middle class people, poor people, and rich people. Just like any other country, there are bad areas and good areas. The difference in a Phil bad area an and American bad area is that if you go into a poorer neighborhood in America you're going to get harassed, and probably robbed and shot. If you go into a poorer area in the Phil they are going to greet you, and invite you in for something to eat, or to drink with them. And lets not forget about giving to others. In America if you're hungry, or don't have money to pay a bill, and you ask someone for help the most likely response you will get is "Why don't you get a job." or "Aren't there programs that can help you?" or "I only have enough for me." Common theme of American's "It's a dog eat dog world, and only the strongest survive." If someone in America has a choice, buy a new video game, or give someone money to pay their water bill most will choose the video game. This is the complete opposite of people in the Phil. I noticed in the Phil people will give the last bit of money they were saving to buy themselves that new video game to someone that needs it. If someone doesn't have food to eat they will give them some of theirs. And in the Phil, unlike in America you don't need to ask. Because Phils treat the people around them like family. They always know what's going on in each others lives. If you don't have food to eat, they will bring it to you. No need to ask. I'm an American by birth, but a Phil by heart. I don't hate America. There is good and bad in both countries. But Americans and the rest of the world could learn alot from Filipinos. What good does money and power do you, if you are just a miserable grumpy person? No one in the world is better than a Phil. But if the rest of the world could see how Phils really are, and try to be more like them, we could all be equal to Phils. Maybe one day.
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
Hi! Whoever you are I love you already. It is a heartwarming commentary you have here about my country. Too bad the bad things get publicized and too bad the good things never get to first page. Yes, there are a lot of good things in us Filipinos and what you said are all true and are only a few things that are good in us. We are known for our hospitality to our detriment. But that is what we are. Glad to be Pinay.
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
You've touched my heart redhotpogo! Its nice having you here in our country to experience that there is a good side on us Filipinos... It's nice to hear that coming from you I salute you..
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
Hi! Your question is good as it brings us to reflect and think of the good things in us Filipinos. And I can assure you there are many achievements we can be proud of. And many more that the general public are not aware of. Perhaps it is time we promote all the good things Pinoys have done instead of sensationalizing the negative ones.
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
thanks to all of you for boosting the morale of us Filipinos.....we're just humans we just make mistakes but the best thing about it Filipinos stand up from their mistakes positively....
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
Well, one incident doesn't change the image of the country in its entirety. Also, it's only a few people's blunder, the rest of the country shouldn't be blamed for what had happened. Despite the crisis Filipinos still manage to smile and help others.
@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
i've been around the three regions in the country. ive met different kinds of people from different walks of life. one thing i always notice is that everyone is always willing to help someone else, total stranger or otherwise. ive seen many people also working very hard, even the old and the young. everywhere i see, someone's always smiling, courteous, and offering kindness. i don't like to toot my own (country's) horn, but i believe in the philippines and the filipinos. we may not be perfect, but what country is? i believe we can always be better, like the other countries who were then struggling and have now become stable, economically and politically. yes, i see it from the same perspective, we need to work on our economic and political systems, in a way these two are connected, and there's always the chance we can make it when these are fixed.
@richard03 (133)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
you just have to make those criticism as a challenge to all of us. I can say that Filipinos is at the top of the list when it comes to being friendly and hospitable. Despite of poverty people can still have a big smile in their faces when you see them...
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
Mostly it has always been about the so called filipino hospitality and friendship. If you go around the world, those thing aforementioned are the ones that are making filipinos good. A lot of Foreigners also tell us that we just are happy people and being with our company is a good thing. We have festivities here and there and we never fail to celebrate the good things that life has given us. However, there is also a dark side for this. Filipinos are loving Foreigners too much and for that reason, we are like slaves not only abroad but also in the home country. You wouldn't see many Filipino owners of businesses. Mostly are Chinese that pay below minimum wage law and with out the privileges that were set by the Labor Code of the Philippines. Its not always that bad at least we know how to work and make use of our hard earned money.
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
That incident really brought a big impact to our country and to others as well. Foreign nationals thought that all Filipinos are bad and that they don't value humankind. Well, it had happened and the best thing we can do is do things to prove to other races that we do care about others too. We, Filipinos are very caring human beings. We do have that special concern towards people whether it be our fellow countrymen or not. We are so hospitable and that we treat every visitor coming to our house as our relative. Filipinos are also good at many things, we are smart people who are always looking forward to innovations. There are a lot of intelligent Filipinos. Those are only few of the good things, Filipinos possess. And there's a lot more.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
yep..it's sad how fellow Filipinos are being judgmental to one another.., I hope they won't forget that despite what happened.., we shouldn't forget the Filipino values that we use to be proud of.., such as being hospitable.., religious., comradeship and close family ties..=)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
Filipinos are very hospitable and friendly type of person and not all Filipinos are like the hostage taker why is it that all Filipinos blame for that? I think this is not right that other Filipino people will suffer for this why is it that some foreigners abused our fellow, they are so judgmental type of person
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
what's good about Filipinos is that amidst adversity, we can still find reasons to smile. We also have a beautiful country, just waiting for us to explore.