I like scrambled egg often than sunny side up egg, how about you?

@Reneelao (223)
September 8, 2010 3:11pm CST
I like my scrambled egg with tasty bread or bun bread with a sprinkles of iodize salt.
2 people like this
8 responses
@marguicha (217138)
• Chile
8 Sep 10
I do a sort of omelette instead of scrambled eggs. I beat the eggs with a fork, sprinkle it with salt and pepper and pour it in the skillet. I let it set and the I put one half over the other. Sometimes I have bacon, sometimes I put some minced chives inside. I like mine with bread
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
very nice of you to take time doing your breakfast... happy myloting...
@marguicha (217138)
• Chile
8 Sep 10
It´s more of a brunch really. I start my day with plain coffee to wake up. I eat a couple of hours later.
@ergfortes (516)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
i like eggs in all different ways you can cook them. i tried different types of egg dishes and whatever i do i just like it. :) fried, scrambled, sunny side-up, boiled.. it's good for rice and sandwiches. delicious!
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
11 Sep 10
you really have an appetite.... happy myloting
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
I like them both as long as ketchup is around. I hardly eat egg without eat. And just like you, I like pairing them with a bread. That's usually my breakfast every morning. :D
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
its really nice to pair egg with breads. enjoy your breakfast. happy myloting to you.
• United States
8 Sep 10
I like eggs most anyway. I like to put cheese in my scrambled eggs. If u love chesse & never tried that u might like it. Welcome to mylot.
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
scrambled egg with cheese, not bad... thanks.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
I also eat the sunny side up but I dont like eating the yellow part of the egg. I only eat the white part which makes my husband happy cause he likes the yellow part. I also prefer scrambled eggs with bread too.
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
9 Sep 10
it's nice to have a partner that is not very choosy and will finish your left over. happy myloting....
@nicococo (134)
10 Sep 10
I also like heavily salted scrambled egg, although I don't cook it all the way. It is really good! I eat it with rice and tomatoes and some bacon. I do not eat sunny side up eggs so much because I do not like to go through "frying" it. I do eat it in sandwiches. I make sure the yolk is runny.
@Reneelao (223)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
Heavily salted?... be careful you might get kidney problem nicococo, happy myloting
@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 10
I like both scrambled egg and sunny side up too, but if I'd have to choose, then I'd pick scrambled egg. I like to beat the egg together with soy sauce and some pepper, then just fry it. I think this is easy to cook and also quite healthy. Sometimes, I eat the scrambled egg with rice, and sometimes I just eat with bread.
@nicajoice (188)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
I like sunny-side-up better.. It's more appetizing for me.. :)