i got my hubby back!!! for now anyway...

United States
September 13, 2010 2:42pm CST
So my husband arrived yesterday for mid-tour leave. It's surreal that he's here! I don't even know what to do with myself its been such a relaxing morning with him here to help with the kids/dogs/house/etc. His hunnie-do list is LONG!!! lol but he keeps saing he doesn't mind, which i have a feeling will change once he actually starts working on it lol. I couldn't be happier, on cloud nine high on life right now. I just know these two weeks are gonna fly by and then I have to give him back to uncle sam for another 7mos :( Here I am complaining when I know he has to go back, and that wont be fun for him either.
2 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
14 Sep 10
Let him do a little domestic work but give him time to just relax as well. I am sure he's happy to do the domestic work though, and spend time with you and the kids.
• United States
13 Sep 10
Congratulations! I know it's hard to have a husband in the service. I don't personally, but a lot of my family and friends do. It takes a special kind of woman to be able to let her honey go and serve the country. You have to be strong. I honor your stoic attitude!