Naseau from taking multi-vitamin?!!!

@maezee (41996)
United States
September 14, 2010 8:21am CST
I need some help with this one. I have been terribly unhealthy for the past few weeks and I'm trying to make up for it. I've cut out most caffeine and junk foods, but I decided that I should probably take my horse-pill of a multi-vitamin, every day, starting yesterday. I took it with a glass of water, and some food (a yogurt) and about 10-20 minutes after I swallowed it, I was experiencing HARDCORE nausea. So much that it worries me to take another. For a few minutes, even though I was at work, alone, and would have to help anyone who comes into the store, I found myself damn near throwing up. It was horrible. I'm really scared to take it again, but I want my vitamins!! Any suggestions for me? They are not expired (I just bought them), I am not pregnant (I feel like someone would always suggest this in a discussion.. Yeah..No.), and I drank some water and ate food with it. What on earth could be wrong here? Or wrong with me?!
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10 responses
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
14 Sep 10
Maybe try a different brand of vitamin. When I read your headline my first thought was to take it with food, but you did that, so I'm not sure what else to suggest. Good luck with getting healthy. Hopefully it will get easier than this first step!
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@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
14 Sep 10
the same thing happens to me w/'s b/c you need to eat more when you take it...i got sick off my vitamins about a week ago b/c i didn't eat when i took it & haven't taken another i know how you feel about not wanting to take 'em after that
@maezee (41996)
• United States
14 Sep 10
Thanks for your response!!! Maybe I should take it around lunch-time then, instead. I am never really hungry around breakfast time (or when I wake up, so around 6), and that's why I didn't eat more with it. (Although I try to eat something little). I just don't get hungry until around 10 am at LEAST. lol. Have you tried taking a multi-vitamin after eating a lot? (or enough?). I'm scared that I'll have the same reaction.
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@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
14 Sep 10
when i have a decent amount to eat(at least a sandwich) they don't make me sick
@peavey (16936)
• United States
15 Sep 10
Did you read the label to see how you're supposed to take it? Not all vitamins are taken the same way. Other than that, it may be reacting with other medicine in your body, or it may be too strong for you in certain vitamins. Iron, Vitamin C and some B vitamins could be causing nausea if they're at high levels in your pill. You said, though, that you'd been "unhealthy" for the past few weeks, so that could be the problem. You may be forcing too much change on your body all at once.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Sep 10
hi maezee I would do both these things, I would take it back to the pharmacy where you bought it and tell the pharmacist what those pills do to you ,. It cou ld be that some filler in them is making you have an allergic reaction. also I wou ld take t he pills to your doctor and ask some questions of him, It is possible that this actually has too much of some vitamin and is making you ill as a result. I know that we all need vitamins but too much of some of them can actually make you ill. If you have a brand of vitamins you have taken before without any problem I would go back to that brand and stop taking those horse pills as there could be something really wrong with them.good luck.
• United States
15 Sep 10
I would go see a doctor and ask them. Generally this shouldn't be a problem with an over the counter multivitamin, although maybe you are getting too much of something and so your body is reacting to that? I'm not a doctor though. Maybe it was totally unrelated as well. Has this happened more than once?
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Sep 10
Maybe it's just your body reacting to the 'good' vitamins? Maybe after all the too much caffeine and junk food your body is just unfamiliar with the healthy vitamins going through your system. I suggest the same as what others wrote in here. Just take the vitamins after lunch so that you'd have enough food in you. I'm sure your body will get used to it after some time.
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
Hmm, before I do take vitamins but there's always an occurence that you get hungry often. So food intake is regular. Like bfast then lunch and dinner plus the snacks of in between those lunches. And I am always thirsty. I guess it depends on the vitamins you take. I guess you just need to eat more. Because having to take vitamins everyday really requires you to eat and it takes so much also from what you eat. I hope I am making sense here. LOL.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
14 Sep 10
I can't tell if you are male or female? If female your could be PG? If male or female you might want to take the Vitamin with a full meal. But if you hve been feeling unwell for some time it maybe time to see the Doctor.
• India
14 Sep 10
yes off course if any one want be health they have to be take multi-vitamin supplements like food & medicines also to get cure from short diseases it is very good
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
The best way to get an answer for that is to seek medical advice from an expert which is a Doctor. That's all I can say since we here don't know your history. So it's better to see your Doctor and ask help before anything worst will happen.