How many time do you spend a day on mylot?

@paiiii (39)
September 14, 2010 11:21pm CST
And how much do you earn form mylot a month? PS:I'm new coming,wanna know it:)
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11 responses
@payout (3794)
• United States
15 Sep 10
Humm would say i spend about 5 hours on mylot posting reading posting pictures, discussions comments and responses and etc I try my best to be the best at posting but hey I try haha so that means no lol. But welcome to my lot I am a little addicted yo mylot but I have it under control haha. Now earning from mylot is unlimited but your goal everyday is to try to hit $10 every month.but that can be hard if you aren't active and don't participate that much. You can earn as much as you want on here base on how much time and effort you put into it
@paiiii (39)
• China
15 Sep 10
I admire you.Hope one day I can do it as well as you did. Learn from you!
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@payout (3794)
• United States
15 Sep 10
Thank you I got your friend request and I approve it and if you need any help with anything just message me on here anytime :)
@JKSophie (48)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
An hour. I can only find time when I'm at home cause I can't access myLot at work. I don't know yet how much I will earn. I'm still on my first month.
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@paiiii (39)
• China
15 Sep 10
Me too!WoW,Let's work hard at mylot:)
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@Downwindz (2537)
• Netherlands
15 Sep 10
Hello Paiiii And welcome to MyLot - a place where you should learna bout alot of things you didnt knew, and also help teaching other things they wouldnt allready know. A great place to share experiences and other things. I dont know what I monthly earn from MyLot and we are not suppoesed to talk about our earnings, dont look on MyLot as a job, but instead enjoy the site and the interaction. Then you just get pleased when you reach the payout :) The best way to earn on here while enjoying is to make sure you post quality discussions and comments. These comments should minimum be 3 lines long to ensure a sort of quality :) Better quality = more earnings.
@Downwindz (2537)
• Netherlands
16 Sep 10
You are most welcome, and thank you for awarding me with the best response :)
@paiiii (39)
• China
15 Sep 10
Thank you for your advise,ihave learn a lot from you as follows: 1.Better quality=more earnings 2.minimum of comments should be 3 lines. I take them,Thanks!
@misheli (552)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
When I was starting I spent 1 hour a day here just reading in some discussions, looking at others profile. When I started joining discussions I get addicted on mylot and now I'm spending more than 5 hours but depends on my schedule. If I have nothing to do I just read some discussions here. About my earnings, I'm close to $1 but it doesnt matter because I dont have any referrals and I'm happy with what i'm doing.
@paiiii (39)
• China
19 Sep 10
Well done i think. You know the real aim of being here. To study of you.:)
@nicregi (1934)
• Malaysia
15 Sep 10
It depends. I am on internet everyday nearly every hour of me awake. Therefore, i check on mylot alot! Between 3-5 hours a day
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@jinghan (133)
• China
15 Sep 10
i'm new here too, if you just come here for money,it's a waste of time,the pay is low. i'm here to learn and practice my english,i'm a chinese university student, the payment is not the pride of place.
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@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
15 Sep 10
When I first joined, I spent a lot more time on mylot than I do now. And back then, mylot paid more than they do now. I still like mylot, but the shine has kind of faded on my enjoyment of this site. I still really like it, but it wouldn't bother me to not be on here for several days. I don't make much a month; I don't reach the 10 dollar minimum payment every month. Some people do. Some people spend a lot of time on here. I probably spend an hour or less on mylot every day.
@oscar6 (1938)
• United States
15 Sep 10
I really dont spend that much time here on mylot. I spend most of my time on other sites since they pay more. However I find that mylot is really enjoyable and gives me the opportunity to know about other money earning sites. I do not reach payout every month. In fact I have only reached payout once since joining. I am about halfway to my second payout. My first payout was around twelve dollars I think.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
well i dont really know but i know that its for an hour above.
• United States
18 Sep 10
about 1-2 hours mostly at night when i can't sleep
• India
15 Sep 10
whenever i m free i spend my time on my lot i am also a new user and earned 0.04$ in one day...not a big amount