Should I keep it for myself...or what?

@SimpleBB (1329)
September 15, 2010 8:02am CST
I know everything can be asked to our Almighty and He is the only one who knows our limit in dealing with hardship and obstacles of life. If it accidentally happened that you discovered you were suffering from severe illness, and you're not capable to sustain its medication, would you rather share or let your family knows about it despite of knowing that it will create much anxiety to the them? Or were you that courageous to face it alone. If such case occurs, how will you deal with it?
11 responses
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
...i would let my family know since i believe they have the right to know about it...and they are the last people we can turn to when we badly need help, specially our parents..although, yes we don't want to create much anxiety to them but who knows what will happen, what if everything is too late? wouldn't it be better to tell them we are not feeling well while it is still too early?...
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
Certainly, support and love from family is essential in this time of difficulties, and no one can understand us except our family. Such situation will definitely show us how important family is. Thanks for your response. Happy mylotting.
@jennyze (7029)
• Indonesia
16 Sep 10
I think it is better to tell close family about the illness but enjoy life to the fullest and do not show any sorrow to the family. That way the family will accept the condition easily.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
Yes the real courage is acceptance and facing the problem. We share the most of our life with our loved ones. Thanks for responding and Happy mylotting.
@Aniakim (351)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
15 Sep 10
I got severely ill about a couple of years ago and it is really hard to carry both the burden of having such illness and having your family worry over your condition. More than anything else, as much as possible, I always want to see my family happy. When I was sick, I felt like it was my fault that my parents had to go through sleepless nights of worries about my health condition and money to spend for my medication. I have even asked God to take me instead so that my family would no longer be troubled both emotionally and financially. But now, having gone through all that, I was glad my family was with me. That is what families are for, to support and take care of each other. So if ever I would be in such a situation, I would definitely run to my family and tell them about my condition. Not telling them about it is just a selfish and too proud an act. Keeping them from the hurt of knowing about your condition is hurting them several folds more by depriving them from being able to take care of you and showing you that you are important to them. They love you because you are family.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
A concerned family member has always the same get the family away from worries. And it's always a wish of someone to take all the sacrifices instead of having their family involved. But certainly, no matter how courageous we are, we still need support from our family to strengthen us in struggling with life's difficulties. Thanks for imparting your experience and thoughts on this post.
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
If that situation happen to me, i will share to my family and friends about my situation because i know that they will give their advice and a full support to me. In every situation like that most of the time, they will just kept that as a secret but for me, it's better to share than to make it too late.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
I agree with you that such situation is better to share with the family rather than be late. Thanks for dropping your lines in this post.
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
Most of the time truth sets us free. If i were you i would tell it to my family, this os the time when you most need them. It would be unfair if you keep it to them, while there is time share to them how and what you truly feel, the deserve to know the truth. You'll hurt them more if you keep secrets to them especially if its about you and your health and ill condition. They are your strength youll never know a lot of help will come because of them. Free yourself from worries go amd tell them. :)
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
You're right, such situation is the best time usually you will find real strength your family are capable of, as well as the best time to share and enjoy life with them. Thanks for responding to this post. Happy mylotting.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
i think it is important to let your family know about it. it is natural that they will feel the pain of having one of the family members being sick. i guess everything will have to start from you. condition yourself that you only live once and God has a perfect reason as to why you are in this situation. having said that, if your family sees positivity in you, they might as well do the same. they would want to make you happy going through one of the toughest times of your life. just do everything that you can to be happy and show the people around you that you love them so much. :)
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
Well, yes, we are all aware that there's always a reason for everything that happens. And strength from the family would be the best weapon on any hardship the would come in everyone's life. Thanks for your posted thoughts on htis post.
@ellyse2003 (1463)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
Ill tell it to my family, even though we don't have that kind of money that I need for my medication,they can be my strength. They are part of my life and as a family, we can go through any struggles in life together. My family and I? We are one, one family, one strong strength with a strong faith...
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
Two heads is always better than one. Especially when that one is your family. You're right, loveones is our strength, and there's nothing we can get over with a strong faith and love to each other.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
If I had something really bad...I wouldn't want my love ones to worry about me. But I definitely won't want to be alone in this fight. So I would tell some of them, probably just my husband..and not my mom.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
That's exactly what we don't want to make them worry. On the contrary, it would really a hard fight and need someone to support. Probably excluding your mom is because of her old age, right? And yes, husband is always there for his betterhalf.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
If I am in this situation.., finding out I am ill and I know we don't have the financial resources to afford any kind of treatment or medication.., I wish there's away to keep my family out of this.., I can deal with it on my own.., I don't want to see them worried and pity me.., But if i know, I wouldn't be alive for long., I'd tell them the truth.., I don't want to be selfish.., I want them to share every remaining seconds of my life left with me..=(
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
Thans deve_annrn again for seeing you here as the first one. Well, now I realized that's selfishness. Actually for everybody, it is always our family that we want to be with until our last breath. Thanks for this shared and encouraging response. Happy mylotting to you as always.
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
I think it would be wise to let the family know of the illness. No one knows you better than your family. Specially your parents. They have the right to know about our health condition specially if it is terminal. It is not that you want them to suffer too. It is just that they are family and they should know if something is wrong with you even if nothing can be done.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
Thanks for dropping your lines on this post, mllhervas. You're right, moral support from a family would be enough when loveone is involved.
@misalax (307)
• Ireland
15 Sep 10
Thinking from a family member's point of view. You'd rather tell it to us than keep them. You know why, because when you keep it and they eventually find out, it will hurt them even more. Not because you lied, but because they weren't able to do anything about it soon enough. Your family loves you and anxieties would be there because they care. You'd have to face it with them.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
15 Sep 10
Thanks misalax. It is really not the issue of keeping it to lie, may be just not to worry them, but yes it would be more painful for them for not giving the opportunity to show what they can to help. You're really a family. happy mylotting to you.