Do you believe that LOVE will REALLY last forever?

@wiwa05 (230)
September 17, 2010 12:14am CST
Do Love really last forever? do you believe in that? If so, why? what's your basis?
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2 responses
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
Hello wiwa, I don't know. it's every womans fantasy i think, but in reality, such happens when two face trouble times and have survived it all.. probably couples in the past have done it, i am not sure about this generation, my generation that is. sometimes i wonder what's the effort of two people in order to make it forever and not just believe in it.
@paiiii (39)
• China
17 Sep 10
Whether eternal love is the two sides that have really thought about going.At the beginning of love,must have good feel of the other one,but after married you may have a child,things goes wrong way.It appears the breakdown of your true love for the other being tube strict,or vexatious etc. Eternal love must not be secret because the couple din not need to there is secrets,and love him to each other,mutual concern and care for each other feelling,both side will always love each other that perhaps you can't leave the other one.