Will you date the person you met on internet?

@leo2050 (348)
September 18, 2010 2:07pm CST
Hello mylotters, recently, I've met a girl on yahoo chat and she became my good friend. Now we both are comfortable with meeting in reality. So is it ok to date someone whom you met on internet? Please share your views.
5 responses
• India
18 Sep 10
ya it i ok to meet someone you met on internet... as u said u became good friends and may be you started talking on phones i think.. if that is so... then u should atleast meet to know more about each other... apart from this discussion wat do u thnk about it is the most important thing.. so do watever ur heart says... \hope for the best...
@leo2050 (348)
• India
18 Sep 10
hey magnetizer89, yes i have started talking to her on phone also. But isn't it bit early meeting her?
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Yes as long as I know how to take precautions. Before meeting up or dating from someone whom you met on internet, you should first establish a good relationship, I mean you should feel if his worthy of your trust, search something about him without his knowing and other things that will make you comfortable with him It's hard to go out with someone with the fear that he may do something you don't like. I also made sure that we have had deep friendship first before deciding to meet up and have a date. I did those things and and I am happy. My boyfriend, who is my first boyfriend, is the first person I dated whom I just met on internet. We are happy. We've known each other for more than two years now.
@champan (513)
• Argentina
18 Sep 10
It depends of the relationship you can make with that person, and how well you get to know that person. I wont date someone who im not sure who is really.
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
18 Sep 10
I don't see what is so wrong with meeting in real life. If you feel there is a strong connection between you guys and you are both ready to meet then go for it. You will never know what happens next till you meet and give things a chance. I would not suggest dating just yet but meet for some coffee and see what happens from there. Let us know!
• India
18 Sep 10
if you are confident enough about your relationship just go ahead and have a nice time.