why donuts be always in round shape not in other shapes?

September 19, 2010 12:45am CST
Donuts why do they come only in round shapes not in anyother shapes...what may be the reason?
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4 responses
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
19 Sep 10
I think it is probably easier to make them that way, and also to pack them. But I don't know for sure, I am really just guessing here!
• India
19 Sep 10
May be right as you guessed and as one of them responded that it is sign of donut like the brand for that and in other shapes people may not like it....anyway thank you for your valuable response....
@jazeera (93)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
It has been that way ever since, and if you change their shape, people may not like it. Donuts have always been round, it's like their signature shape, their mark. Also, because in that way, it would be easier to pack them.
• India
19 Sep 10
Okay...may be you are right?..thank you for your valuable response..
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
20 Sep 10
Believe it or not! It is science to blame. Any fluid settles down to a circular shape when no force except gravity is acting on them. So when dough of a Donut is patted down it assumes the shape of a disk. The hole is made after wards by intentional human intervention. The hole is again science in action. This gives the Donut more area to bake/fry uniformly and so the core of the donut is not unbaked, raw dough. The same is in the case if a Vada or a Chekodi, savories, form South India. Uggani - Bajji, from your region is an entirely different!
• Philippines
10 Dec 10
on my knowledge,donuts or dough knots, came to different shape like ballstype,straight,twist etc..it is popularized by americans(others believe that it originated in germanic countries because their cookies and cake has a hole in the center but american disagree to that)..in 1847 mason crokett gregory(from maine)invented the donuts(others believed that he is a sea captain and brought the idea in america)..he hated donuts that everytime he cooked it,it is always uncooked in the center..so his solution is:make a hole on a round dough so the donut will cooked evenly..and now it is known that donuts have a hole in the center if it doesnt has a hole it is not donuts.(hope it helps..sorry for my grammar)