Water is a medicine

September 21, 2010 9:58am CST
Like Vitamines,Water has to be intake to our body.It is the basis of life.Our body also made up of water.Without water we cant live.We do not know that we are taking water as a medicine.
2 responses
• United States
2 Dec 11
Water is the universal solvent. This whole worlds basis is off water to survive and function. I love water, but I am afraid of tap water these days. I like pure spring water in a jug.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
17 Nov 10
Yes i agree water is the liquid of life, it detoxifies by flushing out waste thru sweat and urination, refreshes by bringing down body temperature, neutralizes system hyper-acidity or alkalinity, i drink water whenever i have a chance but one thing just make sure that it comes from a clean and natural source or has undergone proper filtration otherwise it will do more harm than good, remember lots of pathogens like bacteria and amoeba is found in water(just take the precaution). In general drinking water is one of the best things we can do while in this planet.