Is it healthy to be alone when you're down and troubled?

@joddie (173)
September 22, 2010 12:16pm CST
When I'm troubled or have some problems, I want to be alone and doesn't want to talk with anybody. This is very hard for me when I'm in my work since I can not possibly do it. I'm a very transparent person. My emotions will surely betray me if I'll try to fake it. You will know if I'm happy, sad, angry, troubled. I tried my best to change myself, but to no avail. Well, maybe this is what I am. Can you suggest to me what is the best thing for me to do when I'm in my lowest times?
3 responses
@cajimenez (452)
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
Maybe you just have to control your feelings and emotions. Not everybody can understand what we are going to.
@joddie (173)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
That what worries me. Others might misunderstood me. That's why I want to leave before they can see me.
• United States
22 Sep 10
Sometimes I just have to be left alone and away form the world during hard times. Although it is such a fresh breath of air when things simmer down. It is okay to be left alone for a short period of time. Awaiting too much alone time makes us muddle through and remind our selves of the trouble so I would suggest not too much alone time as being around others and doing normal everyday things does get your mind off things for a while.
@joddie (173)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
Hi there. You know i do like to have a place where i can be when my feelings got bundled. My friends once told me to buy an island where i can be, where i can cry if i want to and no one will see, to shout out where no one can hear.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
22 Sep 10
I think it can be good to be alone if it is for a shorter period of time, because sometimes it really helps to be able to be alone, I think (at least it does for me). But if a person is constantly depressed, for a very long time, or something, then it is probably not as wise. So it depends on the situation and the person, I think!