Any advice on forum backlinking strategies?

United States
September 24, 2010 8:23pm CST
I have been reading that backlinks from forums are great for SEO. I looked around a bit for forums but I am not sure exactly how to make this work. Anyone have any advice on how this has worked for you?
2 responses
25 Sep 10
The most common way I have witnessed is to both set up a link to your site on your profile page and also have it as part of your signature (where the forum permits you doing so). But the key is that make sure when you contribute to a forum discussion that whay you say is interesting and adds something worthwhile. If you just chip in with a few words most people will end up ignoring you as a spammer and could end up seeing your account terminated. Other backlinking strategies you might want to look into if you haven't already is bookmarking with sites such as xomba, snipsly and shetold me. And also article marketing to gain backlinks. From personal experience I have found regularly submitting interesting, unique articles to article directories such as ezine, goarticles and also hubpages can really help with your backlinking stratergy.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
well just like the post above, put your links in your signature. also comment in blogs and such but dont spam.