Isn't she unreasonable?

@Sanitary (3968)
September 24, 2010 10:18pm CST
I was chatting with my colleague over lunch yesterday when I heard something about our common friend who works in the same building but different department. According to my colleague, they planned to have lunch together at a nearby hawker centre but the friend does not want to walk over there due to the hot sunny weather. She recommended taking a taxi even though it's less than 5mins walk away. My colleague tries to talk her out of it but it's too late as there a taxi right there waiting. Upon boarding the taxi, the friend told driver they are only going to the hawker centre up front. When they arrived, the friend actually gave the driver $2, which is not even half of the total fare displayed on the metre! My colleague was shocked, and so am I when i heard it! The friend even told the driver not to be petty over a few dollars, after all if they don't board the taxi, he will end up waiting there. The driver then scolded her and she reached for her wallet. This time taking out another dollar saying it's for his coffee! That makes the taxi driver so angry and my friend feeling so embarassed that my friend paid the fare in full before dragging her out of the taxi! Over here, it's a must for taxis to go by metre and passengers pay what's shown. Other than than, there are extra charges being in the Central Business District which makes the basic fare starts at almost $6.
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8 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
hello sanitary, she's not just unreasonable she's also kinda rude, unselfish and 'thick faced' hehe. she's also inconsiderate and simply don't respect other people. i just hate people like her. even if i am the friend with her that time, i will also feel embarrassed and might scold her as well. over here, even on tricycles and jeepneys we should pay the minimum amount no matter how near the place we go unless we know the driver. hehe but with a metered taxi? nah, its just not right specially that those taxi drivers are also paying for gas and boundary.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
25 Sep 10
What if i'm the one?? haha =D Will mommy scold me on the spot?? lol =D I agree, the woman is just too much and too thicked skinned!! It's either she pay in full or dun pay at all. BUt paying less than half?? What does she takes the driver as?? haha If i'm the driver, i will driver her further up, taking her away from her destination, and tell her i wont be charging her fare. haha
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
if you're the one? mommy ill pay for it. hehe and maybe i will scold you as well and tell you that that's not what mommy taught you! just like what you have said in your response maybe she look at the driver as a beggar or she just degraded the status of the driver which is so bad of her. yeah! that's a great idea! hehe
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
27 Sep 10
She just don't respect the driver. Her attitude is wrong in the first place.
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@amithkp (56)
• India
25 Sep 10
yeah it is responsibility of every citizens to pay for what they are using .I think he should pay the actual wage to the driver.It is shame to the entire , indians .
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
26 Sep 10
She's not an Indian, no disrespect to that race.
• Singapore
29 Sep 10
Hi Sanitary, I'm from the same country as you are It is quite shocking to hear about someone like that, especially someone who is working in the CBD area! But I guess there are such unreasonable people around. Just today, I met someone barbaric in a bus, he is a foreigner who is living here. He boarded a bus with a big luggage and went to the back, he found out there's no seat back there, so he came back to the front. All this while people are boarding the bus. Then, as one person in front is trying to sit down, this foreigner butted in with his huge body, and push in his luggage to occupy the space. The other person has to stand up and leave. Isn't that such a bad behaviour? Especially for an "ang moh"?
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• Singapore
30 Sep 10 say that he picked "our" bad habits is degrading ourselves, I prefer to think that he is "kiasu" originally.
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• Singapore
30 Sep 10
sorry, I mean "picked up" our bad habits.
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
29 Sep 10
I'm shocked too when i heard that from my friend. An ang moh? He has inherited our 'kiasu' attitude! Out of all things, he has to pick up that bad habit. That's just not right.
@misalax (307)
• Ireland
25 Sep 10
She is so wrong. It was her that insisted on taking a cab, and she shouldn't fret over the total fare that she has to pay. It's unfair for the driver as well since that was a little waste of gas just to drive her to the spot. If he had waited he probably got another person who would willingly pay. Also, her reaction towards the driver is wrong, it's like she's claiming that she's the right one over the two, where she clearly isn't.
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
26 Sep 10
She's really unreasonable right? Like u say, she's the one being lazy so why drag the driver for her own comfort and selfishness.
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@deliawas (54)
• United States
25 Sep 10
I think she should have paid in full or not even bothered to ask for the taxi. If she needs to escape the sun so bad then she should bring her lunch to work and not offered to go out
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
26 Sep 10
Right! Since she's lazy, she should not even leave the office at all. She's just pampered by the cool conditions around her.
@FyreFox (51)
• United States
25 Sep 10
I don't think this is just unreasonable, I find it unfair and illegal. We all must go out into the world and work for a living. This taxi driver likely has a family and surely has bills to pay. This crime was no different than walking into a small shoppe and taking a $15.00 book off of the shelf, throwing $4 on the counter, and walking out...
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
25 Sep 10
That's right. Even she's working in an office with higher pay, she should not be taking advantage of the taxi driver.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
25 Sep 10
LOL =D Really?? I cant believe there are such people around in our country!! haha =D Doesn't she respect the law at all?? And what does she take the taxi driver as?? A beggar asking for more money to fill his stomach?? haha =D That's just not the right way!! After all, she's the one who's lazy to walk, and so why should she underpay the driver? Since she only wants convenience, she should have taken a lift from colleagues who drive, instead of taking advantage of the poor man I'm so disappointed with her actions.. haha
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@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
26 Sep 10
Unresonable of her right? She's too snobbish in my opinion, expecting things to go the way she wanted.
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• India
2 Oct 10
That's really a bad thing. I think she should be more responsible in situations like this.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
2 Oct 10
She's overly spolit in my opinion, til the extend of treating others with disrespect.