Websites we use to get jobs...

United States
September 25, 2010 11:42pm CST
In this bad economy, getting a job is difficult... I found this website and am curious about what you think about it. It looks interesting to me as there is the possibility of getting a $100 bonus if you make a job referral to one of your friends and if they get the job... I can see how it might be useful for a person with a lot of distant Facebook friends yet as I am now getting a lot of job descriptions from websites that are tailored to my career interests from close friends, I don't know that I need such a site... I am wondering though what you think about this site and what other websites you use to get jobs... I like, and am wanting to find others in my area.
2 responses
• China
26 Sep 10
This site very good, very useful. Now the economic downturn, employment difficulties, looking for work online is a good choice.We should introduce more people to this site, they have more choices.
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• United States
26 Sep 10
Thanks for your comment... I am wondering what job sites are used by people in your area?
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Sep 10
not sure about that site but I heard Career builders was a good one also MOnster and they help with a resume. I havent hear of any one getting paid being a referal person
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