What was your age when you got married? is it love marriage or arranged?

Wedding arranged or love... - At what age did you get married?
September 30, 2010 1:29am CST
How old were you when you got married? Is yours love marriage or arranged? are you happy with your married life? which one do you prefer love marriage or arranged? and what are the reasons?.....Mine I was 22 when I got married it was arranged marriage. By the time we think of what our life is half of our life gets over....I am happy with my married life.....
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30 responses
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I got married when I was 27... I'm just thirty and on around the third year of my marriage. So far it has been okay. Although I must admit that we have little disagreements at times. But nothing too serious. All I'm waiting for is a kid. We don't have one yet. *sigh*
2 people like this
• India
2 Oct 10
hi, nothing to worry God is there definitely soon you will be blessed with a child....All the best..take care...thank you for your valuable response...
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
30 Sep 10
Hi, I got married when I was 29 years old and it is love marriage. We were dating for more than 3 years before deciding to tie a knot and not we have one lovely son from our marriage. I am happy with my marriage life, I have a lovely and caring husband,with a little boy at my side,it is more than enough for me. I just hope tomorrow is always a better day for me and my family.
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• India
2 Oct 10
Hi, okay then you are happily enjoying your life....and even lucky to get a life partner whom you are well known and really happy to get the same as your life partner...Good Luck....thank you for your valuable responsee..
@Galena (9110)
30 Sep 10
I was 28, and we'd been together for just short of ten years. so of course this wasn't an arranged marriage. it was a marriage between two people who have loved each other for a long time. I wouldn't change that.
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• India
2 Oct 10
hi, thank you for your valuable response.....wishing you good luck..
@shaggin (71823)
• United States
30 Sep 10
I cant imagine having to live through an arranged marriage and having to be with someone that I had to learn to deal with. If you get married it should only be because you love that person so much you want to be with them for the rest of your life. I got married when I was 19 and it was by choice not arranged. I am 27 and split up with my husband 9 months ago.
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• India
1 Oct 10
Hi, then when it was your choice not arranged according to your will and wish you got married...then why did you split up how can....when it's true love....thank you for your valuable response...
• India
2 Oct 10
Oh, I am really sorry...horrible you have done a good thing by splitting up....how about kids how are they are they with you or with him....anyway I pray for you and wishing you a peaceful and happy life ahead.....am really sorry thank you for your response...take care friend...
• Canada
30 Sep 10
I was 19 when I was married, we knew each other since we were children, it is a love marriage, not arranged at all. That was 27 years ago and we are still happily married. We have disagreements from time to time, thats life, but we always work things out.
• India
2 Oct 10
hi, really happy to know that you are married at very young age and now it's 27 years old...married and living happily was it against your parents will and wish or accepted....anyway thank you for your valuable response...good luck...
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I got married with my first serious boyfriend on my 26th birthday because at that time i was 8 months pregnant. I got married for love or so that was I thought because he was my first boyfriend, but now I've realized that maybe I should have had several boyfriends before getting myself pregnant. I'm a happy mother but I'm not sure if I'm happily married.
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• India
2 Oct 10
Hi, why you are not sure that you are happily married or not...you married the one you loved and having a child now a family.....anyway thank you for your response....wishing you all the best..
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
30 Sep 10
I was 20 years old when I married the man whom I had my first child with at the age of 17. Our marriage was determined by us and not arranged by someone else. I believe a marriage built on love would be better because you knew the person you decided to marry prior to the marriage. And because the decision to marry the person was one made by the couple the relationship should be a happier one.
1 person likes this
• India
2 Oct 10
hi, you are happy with your married life right? all the best...thank you for your valuable response...
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I just got married just this May and I was 28. I'd say it was love marriage and arranged. Love marriage because we came to the church with our own free will. I love him and he loves me. Now, why I said arranged also its because, we're in our late 20s now and our families are convincing us to get hitch, because we're not getting any younger. So we got married and we're happy.
1 person likes this
• India
2 Oct 10
hi, Wishing you best of luck...thank you for your response.....
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
For me I'm marriage of love I got married at 25 years of age until now happy for it.
• India
24 Oct 10
hi,....happy to know about your love life.....wishing you all the very best wishes ahead...thank you for your valuable response..
• United States
3 Oct 10
I have never been married. I do not believe in marriage. never had those lil girl dreams of a perfect wedding or anything like that. I have been w/my current partner for the past 10 yrs and although he would like to marry me, respects how I feel and is content us just living together. we do love each other and are "happy" to be spending our lives this way.
• Malaysia
5 Oct 10
without "commitment" is what you believe..
@misheli (552)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I was only 18 when I got married. It was a love marriage and I'm very happy and contented with my married life now. There are times that we quarrel but I think that's normal for married couples.
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• India
2 Oct 10
hi, how years married you are now. It's common quarreling and getting together builds up relationship even stronger...Wishing you all the best..thank you for your valuable response...
@genevy04 (793)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
Hi rorisricha, When my husband and I got married, I was 23, 3 months to go before I am 24 years old.. I know we may seem to be married young but we were married with love and not arranged.. Well if you would ask me if I am happy with married life, a part of me would say yes, but a part would say no.. Though the 'yes' part is dominating in a sense.. I have a wonderful kid, a kind husband, we are doing okay in terms of relationship.. But the 'no' part is in the sense that, right now we are having financial problems and my husband just resigned from his job for some reason. But even we have those problems, I can't get to regret that I married as early as 23 because I can't imagine life without them. My husband and my kid are my life. How can I live without them?? For me, I would not prefer arranged marriage, but if I am in America and I want to have a greencard, then I suppose I would agree with it because we can always get a divorce afterwards.. But arranged marriage for good? I don't think so..It's hard to be with someone whom you don't really love at all..But if one learns to love each other then good for them. But if not, then it's hard..
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• India
2 Oct 10
Hi, say me one thing....Do you really Love your husband or not. If you really love what ever may come in life we will be taking is as granted like you said that your husband resigning job what are the reasons and stay behind him as much as you can don't think that this is the life....every one has financial problems all of them depending on their levels even we have it's not that if we get married to a rich person we are going to live happily...or love marriage...Try to pick out all the good things you had with your husband after marriage....those memories keep us alive when we are depressed in life...by divorce we won't get anything still we are going to loose the person whom we have lived together all these years...and whats the guarantee that after getting divorced the one comes will be better or worse than....We get all the stupid thoughts when life is not going on well then only we should not become stupids thinking that or regretting we feel outwardly that we are not regretting but we have that inner feeling, I can understand friend.Leave all the things...aside...try to live happily with what you have....Even I too got married at the age of 21 earlier than you...Wishing you all the best....take care...thank you for your valuable response....
@ankster (273)
• India
30 Sep 10
I had arranged marriage at the age of 23 which I think is the right and perfect age.My hubby is 4 years elder to me.And we shar e a great bond.Iam very happy with him.I guess there should be a considerable age gap between husband and wife so that a good understanding and bonding may develop.Thats what I feel.You are right my dear friend time flies away.We are engrossed in our lives so much that we do not come to know that time has passed so fast..
1 person likes this
• India
2 Oct 10
Hi, yes you are right the age gap between wife and husband makes them to understand well.All the best hope you have a happy life ahead also....thank you for your valuable response..
@talkbig (41)
• China
1 Oct 10
I got married when I was 24,it is a love marriage.I mean all the things are perfect.And both I and my girl believe that is a god's gift.We love each other so much.Although we didn't held a wedding,but we have a faith that we will love each other forever.
• India
24 Oct 10
hi...love marriage you are saying and again that not held a wedding....little confused but anyway you are happy with your girl friend right...good best wishes....take care and thank you for your valuable response...
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I am 24 already and it is love marriage because we are the one who decide to marry each other. He was 27 and during that time he is about to be a Priest because he is a seminarian during that time. He was also decided to be with me rather than to pursue his vocation. I have a mixed emotion on that time because i love him i want to be with him and one thing I would like him to be a priest also. But we prayed hard and finally to be married. Until now we are at each others arms living with three children. But still serving the Lord.
• India
20 Oct 10
hi, really happy to know about your marriage....May God bless you and all the best wishes..thank you for your valuable response...take care...good day.
• United States
1 Oct 10
I was 19 when I got married, but I turned 20 just a couple months after the wedding. I "fell in love" with a man I met in Bible college. Turned out he had lots of issues. I have been divorced (without remarrying) for longer than I was married!
• India
24 Oct 10
oh....Good luck and best wishes for your future life....thank you for your valuable response....take care..
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
30 Sep 10
Hey in present I am a bachelor person. And also I am unemployed. And my age is 25 years. And I think that until I not get any good jobs then I am not able to married. Because after marrying there are many responsibility on a persons shoulders. So I think after getting good jobs I got married.
• India
1 Oct 10
hi, yes once you settle you should think of getting married...get settled soon and get married good luck and is it love or arranged you prefer?....and why? thank you for your valuable response...
• United States
30 Sep 10
I was 19 when I got married... to the love of my life. He was 21. We have been through the wringer.. Lord knows.. but I know that I would have never married anyone else, but him. It wasn't an arranged marriage at all... I couldn't imagine marrying someone on the strength of what someone else felt or how they thought. I wouldn't have been able to live with it. I'm not completely happy in my marriage because I don't have the "average" marriage... but I am hoping to be someday soon in the future, nonetheless.
• India
20 Oct 10
hi, if it's not arranged marriage is it love marriage....but one thing am not understanding is that you are saying not completely happy with your marriage..what's the problem...it's according to your will and wish..your marriage then....anyway thank you for your valuable response....take care...good day..
@kristeena (358)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
Hi there! I got married when I was 21 years old, after four days I turned 22. My husband turned 25 two days before our wedding. So we are celebrating 3 occasions in a week. Isn't it nice? We were engaged for 4 long years before we got married. Now, we will be celebrating our 14th year anniversary and still counting.
• India
20 Oct 10
hi.....really happy to know about your married life. All the best...and thank you for your valuable response.....take care..
• India
30 Sep 10
I was 26 -27 years old when i got married...it was a love marriage and i'm happy that it was a love marriage, i'm very happy (as of now...:)) with my married life and enjoying it very much.
• India
20 Oct 10
hi, Happy to know that your life is happy as you wished...all the best may God bless you...anyway thank you for your valuable response...take care..