How to stop my habot of smoking?

October 2, 2010 5:00am CST
I had been trying to find out all the bad habits in myself. I find that my habit of smoking is worst of them. It is years since I started smoking and now I find it difficult to get rid of. This habit of mine is causing problems even to others who are non-smokers. It is causing me great discomfiture while travelling. Even then I could not leave this nasty habit. It is not that I don't try. I tried but I could not. Can you help me and give me some tips?
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10 responses
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
4 Oct 10
wish i could give you some tips on quitting .. but im not a smoker.. but how ever i have a bad habit of my own im trying to quit that im very addicted to.. and it is called pop.. i drink way too much pepsi so much that i have a caffeine addiction but i have started to try and cut back some and drink more cold water on ice. and i have decided to buy some caffenine free to go along with my reg pop so i can trade it out and eventialy get off the caffeine pop. but i cant do it all at once or i get the shakes and feel terrible.. addictions are hard and i commend you for trying and i feel you are very sincere and that being the case i feel you can over come your addiction.. just dont try to do it all at once take baby steps if necessary.. just do your best and ask God to help you over come this one day at a time.. good luck happy my lotting thank you for posting such a great question.. :)
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
6 Oct 10
good luck, and believe in yourself .. many blessings to u.. :)
• India
6 Oct 10
Thanks a lot for responding. I am also doing something an I am sure I would leave this habit very shortly.
3 Oct 10
Allen Carrs 'The Easy Way to Stop Smoking' is an excellent book. If you wanna stop you gotta read it!
• India
6 Oct 10
You are right it is not habit rather it is an addiction. I am sure I would say good bye to this addiction within some days. Thanks for your response.
3 Oct 10
Also its not a habit but addiction
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 10
Hi, Although it is not easy to quit smoking,but with your strong determination to do it, you sure can make it. It just need time to really get out from this habit. Everytime when you feel to smoke, get yourself some snack or do your favourite things, then slowly you will get rid of this bad habit. Or instead of smoking, you can get a cup of hot coffee and enjoy yourself.
• India
6 Oct 10
You are right. I am sure I could stop it. Thanks for responding.
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
just try not to smoke with in 2 weeks if not effect, just smoke its you how to use whether you smoke everyday or one's a week.,,it depends to you whether you stop smoking or not..^^
• India
6 Oct 10
Very difficult to stop abruptly and probably not advisable. However, I am determined to stop this nasty habit. Thanks for your response.
• United States
3 Oct 10
You can change your habit by find develop some other hobby like drawing or swimming which are good and healthy.You can even let your relations help you to get rid of smoking.You can do something together and they will give you courage to persistant. Best wishes.
• India
6 Oct 10
You are right. In fact, my wife has asked me never to smoke inside the house. So every time, I have to go out to smoke. This itself has brought down my smoking considerably. I am sure I would leave it comepletely. Thanks for your response.
2 Oct 10
Consult your doctor first,your doctor know the step in how to stop your habit in smoking.Don't stop abruptly it will made you sick.
• India
6 Oct 10
Thanks. You are right I should not stop it abruptly.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Oct 10
I would like to share you my dad's experience. My dad has a long history of smoking. One day he wanted to quit it because it was harmful for the health. He would do something housework such as mopping the floor when he felt like smoking. As long as he did something else, then he wouldn't focus on the smoking any more. He kept on doing so for a week, then he didn't have a strong feeling to smoke. After a month, he didn't want to smoke any more. I hope you will quit smoking successfully and good luck! I love China
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
2 Oct 10
i think if you want to stop your bad habit, you must had to...and never gives up it`s not easy for smoker to stop extremely but if they had a strong reason why they must stop, so do it
• India
6 Oct 10
Yes, I want to sincerely stop this habit and I think I would be successful. Thanks for your response.
• Spain
2 Oct 10
Hi Sir, I've been trying to quit my smoking habit but I really can't. I've tried some home remedies too but in vain. Even chewing licorice stick doesn't work. I think we needs a lot of self motivation. Those things that comes with in us including meditation would work best perhaps. Let's try and let's keep our fingers crossed that sooner, this nasty habits of ours will be freed out from our daily routines. Thanks.
• India
6 Oct 10
Thanks for your response. I am trying my best to leave this nasty habit and I would request you also.
• Thailand
2 Oct 10
I want to ask you is you really want to quit. If you have determined you can do. A number of methods to help you eat sweets such as mint and avoid friends who smoke as well as yourself some time
• India
6 Oct 10
I think you are right. Thanks for your response.