Friends that stab you in the back...
By Riette
@Zorrogirl (1502)
South Africa
October 2, 2010 3:29pm CST
Why do they do it? when you care so much for them and do absolutely everything for them, they go and stab you in the back. Why do people hurt us so much? I don't want to go through this anymore. Is it best to go without friends, or keep a few but don't let them come close? either way, you lose.
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20 responses
@guppydas (14)
• Thailand
3 Oct 10
Those who stab you in the back, are NOT friends.
Friends don't stab you, in back or in front. Friends are friends.
Problem arises when we start expecting things from others. Be it friends, family, lovers, partners, neighbours, colleagues, brothers, sisters, society, government ... the list goes on. The day these expectations are not met, we feel cheated. A bit deeper feeling is that of being stabbed in back.
Look back and recall days/events when we did things for our own benefit. We were being profited, we got pleasure and all that while did we think about our 'friends'? NO. We completely forgot about them. When we say we sacrificed, helped, went out of way to support friends, once again, honestly, look at your own intentions in doing so. Most of the time there was an objective behind it. There was a motive in our action. This is why, unexpected behaviour by our friends, hurt our ego and we label it as being 'stabbed' in the back.
Read my opening statement. Friends don't stab.
For a moment, if you see such behaviour by others towards you, think about it as reflection of your own actions. At first your ego, will refuse. Clear the smog on the mirror. Observe carefully and you will soon see the real picture.
Understand, whatever happens in our life, what ever comes in our experience, is our responsibility. We attract it. Our conscious mind does not even know it since it is always busy playing the role it has assumed in this society. Our conscious mind is only, at the most, 5%. Remaining 95% is the sub conscious and that is far too more powerful.
So what do we do now? Nothing. I say.
Suggestion is, 'Live with your heart and Think with your mind. Don't confuse the role.' Think about it. Let me know what your heart says and also how your mind tried to reason against it.
Peace be with you.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
4 Oct 10
What you say is true in many cases, but I trusted this person and money has a part in this. she used me and used everything I did for them against me. your post is very deep and I do see some things related to me in other cases that I went through. I just expect too much of them. thank you so much.
@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
3 Oct 10
Sometimes human beings are just like that.. but sometimes the problem is that we expect too much from people, we idealize them because we care about them, ignoring the fact that maybe they are not how we believe them to be. If you know someone really well it is quite hard that this person can hurt us in ways we don't expect.
The whole point i think is to know people well enough and to avoid exposing our weakness to those people that we think will exploit them.
No one is a saint and no one in completely coherent in life, so every now and then peole backstab you, it is a fact of life that we just have to accept i fear, but if we understand well enough who we have around, we can prevent that backstabbing by avoiding to create the conditions that can make it possible.
And above everything else, if you are lucky, you can really meet a friend that is just that, no hidden intent and that will just be there for you because he cares about you.
Most people are likely to just use you, but not everyone is like that. There are still decent people out there!
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
You say it so well. I think I do just that, expect to much of people. I expect them to be trustworthy and full of good intentions. I forget that some people just don't bother with the right thing. Maybe my expectations are too high, but I don't think so. I just need to stop trusting. I am very gullible and naive.
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@yolkspock (20)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
Somehow... I don't believe that you are that gullible and naive. You wouldn't have noticed not believed that you were stabbed in the back if that was so. Believe me.. I've seen people massacred with stabs at the back and they seem to be still the best of friends!
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@JudgeIronFist (2470)
• Singapore
3 Oct 10
Actually there are good and bad friends. Good friends won't hurt you or stab you in the back. I know how you feel. Me and my best friend was stabbed in the back by another friend of his. It happened in high school and that person maligned the two of us for something that we did not even do!!! Luckily my form teacher got to the bottom of this and found that the person who maligned us had some sort of an attitude problem. It's good to have friends, just make sure that YOU'RE MAKING THE CORRECT FRIENDS. If you don't have friends, you'll be bored and when in times of difficulty, you have no friend to confide in and that's really lonely.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
That's just horrible what he did to you two. to pass the buck to innocent people is just low and nasty. one day it will come back to him, don't you worry. you may not be there to see it, but Karma do exist. good luck and hope you keep well.
@JudgeIronFist (2470)
• Singapore
3 Oct 10
Yea I believe in karma. Moreover, that person was a strange person, who was rumoured to molest girls in my school. Every girl who saw him was scared of him.
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@RonanDoran (201)
• Ireland
3 Oct 10
Yeah I once had two mates walk me into a massive beaten by about eight other guys. I still have pretty serious scaring on my arms, chest and back.
Your best just to have about four really close friends and a few good acquaintances if you know what I mean.
Best of luck and don't let them get you down to much.

@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
4 Oct 10
that's just terrible what happened to you. I hope you never run into those kind of people again. thank you for your kind words.
@RonanDoran (201)
• Ireland
3 Oct 10
p.s. don't be over nice to anybody, theyll just see you as a sucker and take advantage of you. wait to see how nice they are to you and what they will do for you and then treat them in a similar manner.
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@RonanDoran (201)
• Ireland
4 Oct 10
Hey thanks, I still see them though, they just live down the road from me but it was about 14 years ago so it doesn't really bother me. You can't keep blaming people for things they did when they were teenagers ye know.
best of luck zorro
take care of yourself.
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@yolkspock (20)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
As of my experience you should learn that you should never trust anyone. You could only depend on your self. Hell, you can't even trust yourself if we think about it! You should approach people with caution. You could have friends, but never ever give up all your secrets. Never give yourself fully. Never show the true you that you know they might use against you someday if the friendship goes wrong.
At times I forget this way of thinking, and then later on something will happen that will zap me back to reality. Enjoy having friends and everything, but do so with caution. Perhaps sometimes you could sit down and think about the things you could say about you to someone who is your friend. That way, you would not need to watch your words all the time and appear paranoid for they'll use that against you as well. And paranoia is different from being cautious.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
You are so right. I just find it hard not to trust people. I love it when people trust me and I never disappoint, but I always forget I am not dealing with me.... I think I am a little paranoid nowadays, as I just don't know what to expect anymore. thank you for the great advice.
@yolkspock (20)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
That's what happens to me as well! I could be somewhat paranoid and people think that I'm a snob and all but in truth I just don't know how to act. I too forget that I am not dealing with me.
Well, that's life I guess.
Being prepared for everything is not enough for there's always that unexpected thing.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 10
Yes, this is really nasty! When you think you have good friends and all of a sudden there is a dramatic change and they suddenly stab you in the back and they really twist the knife in the process to make matters worse! I had a friend like that once upon a time and well, I felt betrayed so I quickly ended the friendship and the most painful thing was the fact that we had been friends for a number of years.
I don't know why friends would do this but there's obviously something lacking in their own lives and I'm sure that they are quite jealous! They may be envious of you as well! I don't have too many friends in my life, not the physical kind! I have quite a few different friends online and we have just been chatting in cyberspace as it were.
I don't think it is such a good idea to become extremely close with your friends and it's a good idea to keep certain information secret and not to reveal everything, I'm beginning to learn that now. Anyway, to all backstabbers in the world, you will receive your just desserts and the same will happen to you so watch out! Andrew

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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
that's what gets to me. the time factor. why after all this time.. don't they mis the good times? I don't understand. most of my friends are online nowadays and it's much easier. I choose what they know about me. It's just painful to think of all the things that went away with the friend. some things you just can't do online, like sharing sadness, hugging, drinking coffee together and all sorts of stuff. I also believe that the wheel turns, but that doesn't make the hurt less painful. good luck and I hope you will find that one true friend.
@deriellevc73 (982)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
hello zorrogirl!
i understand what you're feeling now, for i had been through such painful stage in my life that i promised myself to never go through it again, if i can help it. But as we know, we are only humans and as goodhearted as we are, we are always trusting people, expecting them to return that trust.
what hurts me really is the fact that those who stabbed me in the back were the people i considered my real friends. what's worse, i had often helped them in the past, many times, getting them out of sticky financial situation without them repaying me, and even saved them thrice from being fired from their job, their only means of income. when i think about it, i have not really done anything wrong or bad to them.
i had the chance to have an open talk with one of the "supposed friend" after our falling out. she had no choice but to talk to me, i cornered her. i just wanted to know what have i done to make her do what she did. i was tired of forgiving her so many times and when confronted, she said i had done nothing wrong. She was just jealous that i have a good paying job, high salary and position, i have a good and handsome partner who loves me, i have a supportive family and everything else that she doesn't have.she was jealous and so she did what she did to get back at me. i left if at that. but not before i told her that she would die envying me because the one thing she could never have again, is a friend like me.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
That's just terrible. I really understand the money thing, and I don't know if it's just me, but I tend to make friends with people, who have less money than I have, just for the stupid reason that I am scared that richer friends will make me feel beneath them. Boy, was I wrong. they used me just like in your case. my case is very similar, the only difference is that the 'friend' never told me what made her evil. I will probably never know, but as the hurt subsides, I will never ever give myself out like that, and neither should you. trust those who trust you I think..
@kodukodu84 (1567)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 10
I have many friends that I can just call friend. I used to get in a lot of trouble for trusting them so much in the past, whatever secret I told them about myself will be passed on to other really fast. So now I'm keeping only a few but I never let them get too close in my life.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
That's the best thing to do, but you know how we just want to believe it won't happen again.. we just need to be stronger.
@bautistaanna04 (306)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
they are not real friends. but not everyone are like those so don't stop searching for real friends, they could be just around. sometimes, they will get near you unexpectedly.
those back-stabbers will surely learn their lessons soon. something similar might happen to them and they will know how it hurts to be back-stabbed.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
that's so true. one day they are going to be lonely and bitter and wish they never back stabbed the people that cared for them.
@xiaohunmeihua (209)
• China
3 Oct 10
Yeah we sometimes hurt by our friends but I do not think you should lose confidence in real friend.We can have many so-called friends but it is hard to make a true friend. More times we just spend our vacant time with them. These friends will consider more about themselves than you. we all have such situation, so do not refuse everyone who comes to you, but learn to take care of yourself.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
I shall do just that. thank you for the great advice. I believe they are out there, but it sure is hard to find them. Things will look up again soon. thank you.
@shiellamaenies (169)
• United States
3 Oct 10
i have been stab in the back by my 3 close friends..and it hurts me to much,i treat them as my older sister since 2 of them is a lot older than me and the other one we're same age.i help them to watch their kids,let them borrow money from me without paying it back sometimes but they dont care,in short im being good to them like always.i gave them a chance but they still stab me and make stories,lies,ect.then i said that im going to let them go and move on.enjoy life do things just by myself and make new good friends.i make new good friends but even that they are good and i trust them i still keep things that i dont want the whole world to thing i can tell you is make new good friends,enjoy and trust them but dont share everything or happenings in your life!
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
that must have been very hard for you. 3 hurts more than one. I hope you get tons of new best friends. you are right when you say you shouldn't give your all to people. good luck.
@BlackCrown (10)
• China
3 Oct 10
I won't make friends with those who tells me that someone else is bad.
For a very simple reason,if someone can stab the others in their back,he can also stab you in the back,too!
Be careful!Don't get too close with these people,they will break your heart sooner or latter!
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
That's a very hard truth. Gossip is fun, but we forget that we may fall victim ourselves if we open up to it. I will take your advice to heart. thanks.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
that's the best thing to do. keep away from possible hurt.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
oh, we can't expect people to always be the one we want them to be... right? after all life is not like that.. we sometimes do have our own choices and that what makes te difference in friendship - their loyalty can't be 100%to you... of course we can only be 100% loyal to ourselves.
@jugsjugs (12967)
2 Oct 10
I will say that i have been stabbed in the back loads of times by friends that i have known for years aswell as the ones that you think are nice and have not known that long.I have trusted friends in the past,but now i dop not tell people things that i do not want them to know,never trust anyone is my answer.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
2 Oct 10
The worst of it all is that everybody knows you can't trust anybody, but we are just human and really want to trust people. maybe things will look better tomorrow, but it really hurts...
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I have experience so many bad things in my life but being stabbed in the back by someone I truly cared and helped, hurts more than anything else.
I have tried in my years not to allow people to change my character, but I cannot help it as they are low down and dirty and apparently did not care about me as a person to have caused and or done me wrong. 

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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
I experienced the same thing. It's just awful. I am so scared of friendships that I really don't have any friends anymore. I don't think that's healthy either, but I am really scared of getting hurt again. I wish you lots of great friends.
@aaronfyzeon (1919)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
A suggestion I can offer is to not get really close to these people you call friends. Let them be there for you if you need them and be there for them when they need you. aside from that, being really close to someone would make some reason and room for jealousy, envy, and insecurity. I have lots of friends but I dont really get myself be close with them unlike a very few I have proven to be the best friends i ever had.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Oct 10
It's always the best, but you know how we get to trust people and let them get close. I just need to be stronger. thank you for the suggestion.
@annanina1975 (32)
• Philippines
4 Oct 10
People who stabbed you in your back, especially your so called friends, who are nice to you when your in front of them, and then pull you down when you're not around, are not true friends.. Real friends are those who don't put on masks, and are loyal to you come what may.. I have myself a couple of fair-weather friends, but, in the long run when we have fights and we overcome it, our friendship becomes deeper.. Because we understand each other better than before.. I guess it's just a matter of self-expression and understanding them that they have insecurities and problems, but it's kind of hard to do, especially when you are young.. It's part of growing up.. having an open communication I think is best to do.. I learn more in my mistakes than in my rightful acts.. But others who seem like irreconcilable to be with, are better left to their own selves..Right???
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