How many times people can be inlove?

October 6, 2010 1:39am CST
Love and relationship very often make us dissapointed. In that momments everyone think "Thats enought for me. I cant be inlove anymore, i dont want to be inlove anymore. Never and ever." But when wounds heals people change their mind. And fall inlove again. How many times could be?
1 response
• India
6 Oct 10
Hi, I remember a few words from The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde, the writer, mentioned in this prose, that people who fall in love only once in their life are really shallow people. Indeed, there is not limit on the number of times you may fall in love. I think the people who fall in love more than once are more adaptive, strong and flexible persons. After break up we often say that we will never ever fall in love again, but we do fall in love again once we get over the past. I sometimes think that the real gift of human mind is it's ability to forget. Until we forget and forgive, we really can't move on. Thanks. God bless you.