Are you able to satisfy all the people...?

@sinaj292 (602)
October 6, 2010 5:15am CST
can you satisfy all the people? i think this is not a possible thing to do in our life... one's good will be the other's bad.. so it is not possible make all the people happy with our life.. i think it is better to satisfy most of the people we can.... that is the only thing we all can do.... how is in your life is it possible to satisfy all the people with your work....?
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24 responses
@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
6 Oct 10
Ha Ha Ha.......don't even try to do that, because as soon as you will turn your head, people will start talking behind your back.Human nature is the worst nature compared to all other living beings. We humans are never satisfied and never thankful to anyone. We love only our own-self though we may pretend to be very good and kind person, but you and me both know it very well, that we humans are most selfish people. Lets not try to satisfy others, but try to satisfy our own-self with our good deeds. Keep doing your duties honestly and forget about what you did.....keep no expectations and you will have no disappointments.....just live because you are, that is what I do.......because I see no sense in this whole life system...
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@sinaj292 (602)
• India
6 Oct 10
yes am also thinking that that is foolish thing to try to do that....
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@banban (601)
• China
6 Oct 10
No, I think I don't have such a ablity. There are all kinds of people on the earth. It's not easy to satisfy them all. But we can make people around us feel happy and satisfied as much as possible. You see, if most of them feel so, you've made it. There is no need to make every single one in your life satisfied. Human beings are complicated. We love, we hate, we envy, we forgive. If you're trying to satisfy every person, you're sure to find yourself exhausted.
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
6 Oct 10
Like the old saying says...You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not please all of the people all of the time. It just ain't gonna happen friends, but it sure is fun to try...
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
6 Oct 10
Dear friend, As long as human wants are unlimited it is difficult to satisfy all people. If one man in earth is like that he could have become the leader on this earth. I am sure that no in this world is able to satisfy all people.
@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
The answer is no. You could not. I could not. All of us could not satisfy the people around us, that may sounds not good at all but that is the residue of the reality! We are born to be distinct, therefore we have different perceptions, values, and outlooks. You have mentioned it, your 'good' might be 'bad' to others. So from now do not expect pleasing all the people around you, simply don't worry or you will not enjoy life at all. Just count on the few that would appreciate you, and be thankful of it. Somehow other people disagree with you, try to have a second thought or look too... if you think you have done the right thing then just ignore them, OR when you see that they might be right, then you can make that as a guide in the next move. have a blessed day to you my friend and happy mylotting!
@Ramaditya (1227)
• Indonesia
6 Oct 10
That is impossible to satisfy all people. That's because we've got different brain, different way of thinking, and also different needs. Those factor will impact the result of people's satisfaction, because they will see things differently.
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@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 10
No there's no way I can satisfy all people in my life. Even my family and friends. I can't always satisfy myself too. We should just do whatever best we can do in life. people are different, different personalities, abilities, situation, and expectation. We never know how someone can be satisfied, and how the other person wants to be satisfied.
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• China
7 Oct 10
No one is able to satisfy all the people, whoever he/she is. What you think is good may not be considered the same by others. If you try to impose your good will on others, you'll certainly get the opposite effect. Only stupid persons will try to satisfy all the people. The wisest is we should try our best to satisfy most people instead of all of them.
• Indonesia
7 Oct 10
the main reason that make people do not succeed, is the lack of connection between what he was doing, with what's going to make it successful. so, do not just do what you love, but a far from pleasing others. remember, the joy of others is a sign of god's joy. if you long fo happiness, make happy to others through your work.
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
I don't think we can. No, I'm pretty sure we CAN NOT... You see, all of us have different opinions, characteristics, upbringings and life backgrounds. That whatever we do, one way or another , our deeds will contradict a person's ideals or beliefs. It is impossible because we have different needs and our basis of getting satisfaction varies, too. There's no such thing as equality when it comes to individual's satisfaction.:)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
I am not able to satisfy everyone and I am not planning to do so. As long as I am doing the right thing, not hurting anybody, or I don't cause any harm to other people because of my actions, then I am happy and contented. We are not ought to satisfy everyone we meet. Your life would be in a mess if you would try to do so. Just do what is good for you and what will not harm other people.
@mahrulz (52)
• India
7 Oct 10
I dont satisfy most of the people and what they expect from me,.. i usually hurt people unknowingly and then regret later when i realize that i actually did hurt them. i act in an obnoxxious way which i feel is cool but others dont like it. also i dont keep up with many people. this results in me having very less number of friends and who are very close to me and really understand me.. so its kind-off both ways Good n Bad...!!
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
for me... it is impossible to satisfy other people if you, your self is not is just like "how you can make others happy if you are not happy". very funny right?!...for me it is really impossible to make others to satisfy others but you can done something good to others..^-^.
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
for me, if it comes into my work i want those seniors of me to be satisfied of what i did... but in other aspects i do not care whether i satisfy them or not... because i am not the type of person that will live in the expectations of others... i will just live my life the way i want it to be....
• India
7 Oct 10
Well, I don't think so. No one can satisfy all the people. Even though you think You have done something for another, they might not be thinking like that. They may not be satisfied.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
7 Oct 10
Forget about trying to satisfy everyone, and begin to do what's right by all. No one can make everyone happy, but you cannot be chastized for doing the right thing. Of course its impossible to become the "be all and end all," to every one, but at least when you've done your best work, you can go to bed at night and sleep the "sleep of the Just!"
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
6 Oct 10
I know that I can not satisfy everyone in my life. Somehow, someone will be unhappy about something. I feel that as long as I am doing my very best and doing what I know I should be doing, that is what matters most.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
6 Oct 10
It just isn't possible to do. No matter how hard you try, you just can't satisfy everyone all of the time. All you can hope to achieve is what satisfies you. You have to be happy with yourself before you can hope to satisfy another person.
@aurel83 (102)
• United States
7 Oct 10
i agree with you that it is impossible for us to make people satisfy with what we do. what we can do is just to do our best about the activity we done...and just hope it can satisfy them
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
If you aim to satisfy all the people you encounter, you'll eventually go crazy. :) I used to stress about not being liked by everyobody and why some people decide right away that they don't like me without bothering to get to know me at first. Until one day, I just told myself, you know what, f*ck it. Who cares about other people anyway. The only ones that should matter are those who know me and not some random non-entity. And in the words of Ms. Alicia Silverstone, you don't really have to please all of the people you meet anyway. You just please the ones that are worth pleasing.
@sam8pro (376)
• India
6 Oct 10
Ya i kind of have been stuck in such situations my group every conversation is like an arguments like two faces of a coin .... and everyone got to take a side ... in that case either i remain silent or pass an equivocating comment if possible :)