What d'ou think can be the most important thing for enjoying life

@sam8pro (376)
October 6, 2010 10:03am CST
There can be so many things that can actually make you feel happy and give you the feeling that you are enjoying your life ...i mean for example it can be money or it can be attaining fame or being popular or the fact that you are provided lot of responsibility and people listen to your command ... i mean so many things what according to you can be the most general thing that in today's world people crave for attaining success ?
3 responses
• India
6 Oct 10
the most important thing for enjoying life is happiness in whatever u do... just dont think that money will be more enjoyable... But even the small thing will make u more happy than anything else... Just searh for it and enjoy it to the full
@sam8pro (376)
• India
6 Oct 10
Well agreed ...in this context .. external factors are not always the cause the innate passion for different things in different individuals can drive them independently they might not chase money or fame .
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
I think it makes me feel happy when I achieve my goals in life that my parents can be proud of me. Just stay happy and enjoying my life everyday
@ericytac (83)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
For me, the no. 1 that people craved for attaining success is money. Because if you have money you can do almost anything that can make you happy. You can easily do what ever you can make you happy if you have plenty of money, i mean you can achieve fame if you have more money, and if there's fame you are popular. You can enjoy life in the fullest if you have more money. Today, our every footsteps involves money. Now, how can you enjoy and be happy if you don't have one.