What do you say when someone says you should sell your dog for extra money?

United States
October 7, 2010 11:52am CST
Our beautiful Siberian husky puppy Jasmine is just over a year old. We love this dog and every time we are in a financial bind it seems the first suggestion anyone has is "well you could sell the dog and that'd take a big burden off of your hands". I find this just wrong, and don't see how anyone would suggest that. But multiple people have said the same thing, and I don't want to sound mean but I just don't know how to respond to it anymore. Anyone else have this happen?
8 responses
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I think if someone suggested that to me...I'd shoot back with "Well, we could always sell one of the kids and lose a big burden". The fact is that for many ppl their pets are every bit as important as their children...more so for some. To suggest that someone sell their pet for financial gain is no different then suggesting someone sell their children, their spouse or their body. [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
• United States
8 Oct 10
Good advice! I have mentioned the "well thats like asking you to get rid of your dog, how would you feel" argument to someone, but its always "well its not the same thing, you have too much on your hands". Either way, it is hurtful to hear things like that as it makes it seem like I couldn't love my pet in their eyes. Well, either way I know I'm never going to get rid of her. There are always other things I can get rid of first =)
@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
8 Oct 10
I did really have a friend in the past who sold his dog for an extra money because he was lazy to find a job and all he's doing everyday was having fun and borrowing friend's money including mine But in your situation, why these people are really keen to tell you to sell your dog for an extra money whenever you have a financial bind? Let me think, well maybe your dog is very beautiful and adorable. Don't you think they maybe are interested to buy your dog? Otherwise, if they are not interested then you should tell them to stop suggesting such thing to you because it will never happened in million more years
• United States
8 Oct 10
I agree with you, but I find that I'd rather just work more than sell my dog. It seems like a short term fix though, whereas a job would be continued income. I guess its just like that whole "teach a man to fish he'll eat for life" saying.
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Well, maybe you could say, "First, she'd have to be a burden and she's not. We love her." Sorry if I got the gender wrong, I was making a guess by the name. I think some people who aren't animal people consider pets more like accessories like a new chair or tv. Not someone you'd love and consider like a member of the family.
@alex8288 (290)
• Philippines
9 Oct 10
this just happened to us, last month we have some slight financial problem so we decide to sell our 2months female shih tzu named half. and just after we sell it we felt some emptiness in us. and my girl friend always tells me how she misses her so i got her a poodle but there is still something missing. we wish we could just turnback time. so word of advice if you love your dog never sell them no matter how much money you get out of it its just isn't worth it.
@udaymohan (437)
• India
8 Oct 10
A dog or for that matter any other domestic animal, becomes a member of the family. Persons who are asking you to sell the dog, do not know how loyal dogs are. If you misbehave or talk in rough manner with any family-member or friend, he/she would not talk to you for days. However, even if you beat your dog in the morning and go out, the dog would run to you and would start wagging its tail whenever you return. I regard loyalty of dogs, horses and elephants better than human being. Please do not give any explanation to such person as to why you would NOT sell your dog, just give them a polite smile.
• United States
8 Oct 10
Exactly! I have always loved dogs and consider them the best of friends. The last time she got out she ran a few hundred feet, but stopped and looked back as if to see if we were chasing her. Then she just came back, and I thought Huskies were naturally independent dogs. I mean I always look forward to coming home after work and seeing my girlfriend and the pup, so I couldn't imagine my day without either.
@jennbart (1330)
• Philippines
8 Oct 10
not yet. But I do not like the suggestion either! I love my dogs and even if I do not have work right now, I can look for ways to keep them.. and also to keep up with my financial problem. I wont be able to sound mean, but I will tell them straight off. " I will not sell my dog!! I am not asking for your opinion.. please mind your own business!"
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
7 Oct 10
That is so out of line, on so many levels. I would probably tell them something about how a dog is really a family member, and who would sell a family member? Not to mention you never know who the people who buy a dog are. It is really not a nice thing to do, and I can't believe people would suggest such a thing!
@paige4evr (118)
• Estonia
7 Oct 10
Oh wow. I don't know if there is anything to say. I think pets are members of the family once you have them and have named them and raised them. It also can be traumatizing for them to be moved to another place that is foreign to them. Not to mention that I for example wouldn't even see it as an option to sell my beloved pet. But I suppose if this person has never had a pet they won't understand all that.