Glee Season 2 Episode 3 Grilled Cheesus

United States
October 7, 2010 1:29pm CST
at several points during this ep I almost cried, after I spewed milk from Grilled Cheesus. but my day after glee was overshadowed by rants about the separation of religion and state. I think it was stupid. Glee is a club, totally optional, so for them to try and regulate singing songs with religious overtones, not overtly gospel - Billy Joel and REM? - I think for people to get up in arms about it was ridiculous and just goes to show how people are so intolerant. The whole purpose to the separation of religion from the government was not so that people could never talk about God, Jesus, or who ever you hold up as a deity - it was so the church couldn't persecute people legally and dictate law like they had been doing in Europe for centuries. I just wish people were more enlightened to the purpose and intent of the wording. Obviously they do not at the Glee School have a Christian Athletes Club which exists in several schools across the country or maybe Sue had that club disbanded to.
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@AliaKane (97)
• United States
16 Oct 10
This is clearly the best episode so far. It will be a long time before Glee handles another shaky subject matter in a mature way. As a Christian, this episode meant a lot to me. It's not only what Christianity is, but what humanity should be. I love how in the end, both Sue and Kurt go unconverted, but they come to peace with others' Christian faith. Ultimately, their love in the people they love. But I certainly have an understanding why certain places can't have religion talk. So it's to respect others. There are certain times where explicit religion talk, and I mean explicit, will interfer with the respect of others faith. But in this episode, nothing is forced upon. And it ends in mutual agreement.