Are you eager to retire?

@fannitia (2167)
October 10, 2010 2:52pm CST
A colleague of mine is turning 60 and as in my country this is the retirement age, she knows that they will say her goodbye. She has been talking about this almost every day with a bitter tone. But I suppose that she's not so unhappy to leave the burden of a full time work. For me this moment is in the future but even today I have fears about living with a small pension. How do you feel about the retirement?
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12 responses
@Jadsta (269)
• Gibraltar
10 Oct 10
I can't really say that I want to retire now of course, as I'm not old at all, but honestly I would rather retire earlier and live an enjoyable, relaxed life, than retire at 60 and only have the "old years" of my life left to live. It all depends about money of course, and it depends about what type of career or job you have also. If you are in business or something along those lines and are veyr high up, or you own a business, then age wouldn't matter as much, as it would be self motivation for profit rather than working in an office everyday from 9am-5pm with a fixed salary. I would like to make lots of money, invest it, and live a wealthy lifestyle for the rest of my life if possible. That would be ideal for me :) Some people find that they have nothing to do after they have been working for 30 years and retire at 60. They don't have enough money to live a good lifestyle sometimes, and they simply miss work. It really depends on what you are doing, how much you are earning, and what kind of quality life you would want to live with until you die, to decide whether you want to retire or not I think.
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@Jadsta (269)
• Gibraltar
10 Oct 10
Hehe thanks :) I hepe to stick to them too and also become a wealthy prince xD
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
10 Oct 10
You have a really good plans, Jadsta, I hope that you'll stick to them and you'll live as a wealthy prince!
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
10 Oct 10
I think like everything, there are pluses and negatives to it. I have a theory that every relationship we have, whether it's with a spouse or with a job, it's all a love hate relationship. All we can do is try to ignore the hate as much as we can and embrace the love part. I would love retirement personally, I'd have so much more time to do what I really want to do and not have to worry about deadlines. Maybe I'll plant a whole garden when I do retire. Nice topic, fannitia! +!
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@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
10 Oct 10
To plant a garden - this is a good idea. I tried to make a little garden years ago when I was living in a house. But I had no time to do it. Maybe the retirement age is in fact a good thing! Thanks for joining the discussion!
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
10 Oct 10
Thanks for the interesting topic! Yes, those are the things that keep me looking forward to retiring, I still have a lot of things I want to do that I want to do not for money or anything else but for the mere reason of just getting to say "I did it". I have a small list but they are all big things like that garden idea. So I'll definitely need retirement-type time to do that. Lol you never know maybe in 2 years we could be already sharing gardening tips and trading seeds by shipping! Fingers crossed!
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Oct 10
I'm ready... except not financially. 10 - 15 more years, probably...
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
12 Nov 10
I'm tired of the fear that inevitably comes from preparing for the retirement age*. We are 10 maybe 15 years away from that day. I know there's a lot more to it than having the money to do so but I can't find anything. Baby boomers will soon be there in droves. After witnessing my parents sudden miserableness after retirement with plenty of that comfortable money I vowed that would never be me if I have anything to do with it! So yes, I came up with a web site that will help everyone, all over the world, deal with the prospect! We need, for our own sake, have the confidence to march toward retirement and not go there kicking and screaming! *What is that age anyway? We won't know till we get there! Yuck!
• United States
11 Oct 10
I am only 23 years old and I am ready to retire!! lol
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
12 Oct 10
Bu have you begun to work? lol!
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
I know for a fact that sooner of later I will moved on this phase of life. As early as now, I am thinking about it. In my mind I maybe retiring from work but not retiring on life and living. I still want to be actively pursuing something worthwhile when that time arrives. I notice that those who are active avoids the senility since they take an active participation and interest on things happening around them. We only live once so I decide that I will make the most out of it.
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• United States
10 Oct 10
I don't know, actually. I think I have mixed feelings on retirement. On one hand, it will be TOTALLY awesome! Haha. It will be great to just kick back and relax and not have to care about students. HOWEVER, it will be lonely, I think. Being a teacher means being around people a lot so it would be quite a change. I think it will be an adjustment. I think I'd miss work A LOT. I'd like to teach as long as possible :)
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@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
10 Oct 10
Hi, Jypsyjulia! This evening I saw on tv an interview with an actrice who was a star in my country and now she has students in the Theatre Academy. They showed the kids who spoke with such a respect and awe about their teacher that I had tears in my eyes. I wish you to have such students and to do your work as lond as you want.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Oct 10
I am very eager to retire. I'm in the process of starting my own business called I would love to be able to leave it to my daughter in 14 years. I am going to be 40 in two years. so i think another 14 years of working should really do it for me. I am grooming my daughter now to have the mind set to want to have her very own business.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
12 Oct 10
Tell me how to do it! I never couldn't start my own business but never mind. The problem is that my daughter is going my way and I don't like this.
@oldchem1 (8132)
11 Oct 10
I will be 60 at Christmas but I retired 6 years ago and I'm loving it, although I do miss the wage rather than the pension!! I wouldn't have enough hours in the day now to work!!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
12 Nov 10
Wow! Now that's a planned retirement. Are you married? Are you financially comfortable? I'm 15 years away from that day, so is my husband! I just need to know any advice you may have!
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
12 Nov 10
You know it's funny that you brought this up! Rarely do I hear anyone overjoyed at the prospect of removing a full time job from their lives! My husband and I are at the beginning stages of preparing for retirement. Do we have enough money to retire? Ha, I've seen people's entire retirement savings wiped out! There are even rumors about US Social Security funds in jeopardy. So I went hunting on the Internet for any information about preparing for it. There sure are a lot of companies out there all too happy to take your money to protect your money. It will cost you to make sure you have money to retire. There is nothing about being happy after retirement. People don't talk about their own preparation for retirement. You don't hear how they prepared or are preparing! But if you know what to look for you can find it. The problem is most of it you have to stumble into it. If you look at my newly formed website/blog you will find answers to that and hopefully people talking about it. Unfortunately it's geared primarily for those retiring in the US. I can only hope there will be ideas coming from people all over the world coming in. Many times ideas don't just come from the Internet alone! Everyone is talking about saving money on energy bills and food. We need as much information as possible. We need to take the fear out of retirement!
@shafiya (26)
• India
11 Oct 10
hi, working is very interesting one. if we work a lot then we do not have any idea to retire that job. because we work our work easily and enjoy. if we enjoy our work that is very easy. so i like to work my life long. so i didnt eager to retire. because i like it.
• Indonesia
11 Oct 10
living with a small pension sometime make me more afraid, from now i'm prepare for my 60 old. so i can pension with little business that i can run by myself
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
I have no work that's why I don't know the feeling but my husband who is just 50 years old is very much eager to retire. I am opposing to this because he is still very young and he still very capable of working.Retirement is only meant to people who are 60 years old already.