I can't Eat That??

@34momma (13882)
United States
October 11, 2010 12:25pm CST
If you went to the doctors today and the doctor told you that you could not have a certain food ever again in life. What food would kill you to give up? What is the one single thing that you love to eat and would be so heartbroken if you were told that you can't get that one thing ever again??
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23 responses
@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 10
For me, it's rice. I'd been living all my life eating rice so if the doctor told me I have to stop eating rice, then I will consider to die instead I can only hold on for 4 days not eating rice but after that I would go crazy, nothing would fill my stomach right, and I will be crying while eating all other things without rice
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
i am not such a rice fan. now my daughter on the other hand loves it. she loves white rice so much she can eat it every single day...
@amg5009 (62)
• United States
12 Oct 10
If I were to go to the Doctor today and he/she would tell me that I was never allowed to eat cheese again, I think I would go crazy. My Mom and one of my friends are Gluten Free, which means that they can not have any wheat products and I believe that really bothers them. I would be able to give up wheat products because there are replacements for them now. If I would have to give up cheese, I would be devastated because I am not sure that there is really a replacement for cheese.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
oh damn i forgot cheese! i love cheese!!! yeah i am not sure you can replace cheese. oh boy i would not want to give up cheese
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Oct 10
Bread. I couldn't live without bread. Well, I probably could but I'd be so miserable I wouldn't want to be alive. I love bread, always have. It doesn't matter what kind, either. I haven't found any kind of bread that I don't like a lot. I'm not a big rye bread fan but adore white (whole wheat white) and pumpernickel. Banana-nut bread is my all time favorite but definitely not for sandwiches. That's more of a "dessert" bread. Potato bread is great, especially for rolls like hot dog and hamburger rolls because it doesn't get crumbly. King's Hawaiian bread can take the place of dessert for me because it's such a sweet bread. Yum!!! Geez. Now I'm hungry. Let's hope no one here ever has to give up any of their favorite foods. What about you? You didn't answer your own question for us.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
i don't like bread... the one thing i would not want to live without... i am not sure. I think it would be potato chips. I try not to eat them often, but oh boy they are my most favorite things to eat!! Yummy
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
12 Oct 10
That has happened to me.... for a GREAT number of foods. I can eat fish and chicken, grilled or baked, not fried. I cannot eat most fruits or vegetables, because I am allergic to the gasses that they release as they are ripening. I'm not supposed to eat anything made from corn. Potatoes make me very sick as well. I can eat beef if it is lowfat/well drained from the greases. So I usually eat chicken with frozen, steam cooked broccoli. Some chocolates and breads. Most days when I eat, I am vomiting less than an hour later.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
OMG that is horrible!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear that zoey! wow
• United States
11 Oct 10
I will honest with you and say I love my Puerto Rican food and if the doctor said to me it could kill you if you had it tomorrow, I would say to my doctor excuse me but I have to make some preparations, and when he asks what do you mean I would tell him I plan on dying happy and full of my Puerto Rican food. Ha!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
Oh yeah! i love spanish food. I made some just last night for dinner and we will be eating it again tonite! yummy yummy
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
Anything that has fats on eat like pork since my blood pressure shoots up when I eat more than what my body can take. I notice that when the small hairs on my nape rises and my head feels bit heaavy and I am starting to feel a slight migraine I then know that my intake should be lower and that I need to take pineapple juice. I love to cook and eat that's why it disappoints me when sometimes I need to follow what the doctor says and my body signs as well if not I know that my life is in peril. I had a bout of high blood pressure last few months ago for several days. My head feels so heavy and i got a splitting headache even if i took my maintenance medications. Prevention is really best than cure.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
that high blood pressure can really be something else. You have got to take care of yourself.
@patgalca (18345)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Oct 10
In general... sugar! I don't think I could live without my sweets. I don't eat a lot of them but if someone told me never again I would freak. However, there are different alternatives to sugar. I also would die if I was told I could never eat pizza again... and chicken. I love chicken. I think my family would die if they were told they could never eat ground beef again. It is the most versatile meat that I can make so many different meals out of it. I have fussy eaters (one who really isn't crazy about any kind of meat), so ground beef is a life saver for me. I could live without eating it but I don't think my family could.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
i am not a big sweets eater, but i love sugar in my coffee! and i love chicken too but i would be ok if i couldn't eat it any more
@karsted (240)
• Canada
25 Oct 10
it would be watermelon.....i love the fruit and would really miss it!!
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
shrimps, my favorite! and i am allergic to them. [em]feelingsick[/em}
@shibham (16977)
• India
13 Oct 10
hi momma... actually i am not interested in eating. i have no special dishes as well and sure i eat only to survive. so... i am ready to give up any... but perhaps will not be able to give up DOSA. thanks.
@mareeh (266)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
junk foods - chips. I just love eating them. I know it's not really healthy but I think in a week I would crave for them. I want to eat it when I'm watching a movie. I think it will be big news to my friends if they knew I wouldn't eat junk foods anymore and I don't know if that will ever happen.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 10
chocolate~ i love to eat chocolate and if they forbid me from it i would be so heartbroken. i am sure i will get through it but it must be hard as chocolate always be my favorite food for all this while~
@xtmlove (402)
• China
12 Oct 10
Fish. I like to eat fish very much. If I can't eat it any more in my life, it will be too terrible for me. Fishes are so delicious for me that I can't leave with them.
@foofermen (500)
11 Oct 10
Pizza. If I couldn't eat pizza, I am pretty sure that would be a sign that life is going pretty hard for me lol. I eat pizza about 5 times a week and have been for almost a decade now. I sometimes get heart burn but I just drink some milk or something. A nice large pizza is exactly a serving size for me and there are so many toppings I could never get bored. I would give up a pinky toe to be able to continue eating pizza forever.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
12 Oct 10
LOl i am with you.. I love Pizza. I don't eat it that often but i would not be a happy lady if i could not have a slice.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
12 Oct 10
this is a hard cause I don't think I would miss too many foods i would just end up replacing it for something else but if I had to pick it would be steak
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
Well I guess the one thing that I could not live without is cheese. I do love cheese and I always have it mostly in anything I eat. I love it specially on pizza and hamburger, lasagna. Sometimes, I just combine it with tomatoes on my bread, and presto, I already have a good meal.
@jet2r0cks (190)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
Pizza! Definitely pizza! It has everything I want in food and more! If I'm told that I can't eat pizza anymore, or anything like it, I would be so devastated! Pizza is the one food I can eat my whole life and never get tired of, so not being able to eat it will be the end of me :(
@waazula (116)
• China
12 Oct 10
Tomatoes, I would rather give up all meat than tomatoes. I love it so much that I couldn't feel a dish delicious until it was spiced with tomatoes. I can eat it as fruit, vegetables and seasonings, whether when eating noodles or rice. waazula.com
@superkim (29)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
I'm from the Philippines, and as an Asian, I think I would really get weak and sad if I gave up eating RICE! I can't just settle for bread. I don't think there's a better substitute for rice. Well, I've been eating it my whole life every single day! And now I realize how important rice is haha! weird.
12 Oct 10
anything with has sugar with it! I have a sweet teeth on anything that has sugar with it... :) chances are if the doctor had advice that I won't even ear any contents that has sugar, I'll be disappointed :(