"near meat" sausage disaster - new recipe needed

United States
October 12, 2010 9:19am CST
I have a recipe for vegan sausage - I tried it out last night and it's horrible. it's kind of rubbery? does anyone have any ideas or a place I can get a good veggie sausage recipe? my recipe calls for vital wheat gluten, tofu, soy milk, sesame oil, tapioca (just to name a few) It was bland, and if it were just for the flavor I could already see a way to make it better by increasing some of the spices - but the consistency and texture was horrible. Any ideas?
1 response
@snowy22315 (172021)
• United States
12 Oct 10
There are all kinds of online recipes to check out. I would check out some of the recpies online and see what kind of things are available. I'm sorry they didnt check out. I made a cuban soup recipe once that was horrible.
• United States
15 Oct 10
my sister gave me some addresses to some vegan web pages. hopefully they pan out.