Do you believe in KARMA?

By lhor
October 12, 2010 12:38pm CST
It can be good, It can be bad. Do you believe in Karma? If you do something wrong to others do you think that you have to admit your karma in the future?
3 responses
@Karunvig (714)
• India
12 Oct 10
Yes i totally believe tht karma plays a vital role in our life.. i have had many exp. if i do sumthng wrong wid sum1 thn sumthn wrong happens to me... dnt knw abt others bt it usully happens wid me
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
how can you sure that karma is the karma from your bad things done?
@Karunvig (714)
• India
12 Oct 10
If i hurt u today and reason to be 'abc' thn i knw withiin a weeks tym i will b hurt because of tht 'abc' reason .. as it has happened to me in last few yrs ... so i was just sharing my exp..
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Oct 10
Yes, I fully believe in Karma. There is always a reaction to any action, and that is how "Karma" works too. If one does good thing to another, to a human being or any living creature, there will be a good reaction. Good thing will come back some time in the future. And, that's exactly how it works too if one does bad thing to another.
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
what you sow is what you reap. Karma is a Hindu belief but whatever may be your religion or belief may be, its a universal rule that what you do will have consequences in the future, may it be good or bad.