Extra income....

October 13, 2010 8:36pm CST
I have a job and its a stable job. I don't have anything bad to say about it. In-fact, its a great job! I enjoy it and at the same time they're paying me. So its like they're paying me to enjoy. But I'm an only child. My parents don't have a work. So its me after all. My salary is not enough for the 3 of us. Plus my "dearest" cousin left us her son with nothing. So I have to work for our living and for the baby's daily needs. If I'm going to trust our living on my salary, I have to have a lot of credit because my salary alone can't sustain our daily needs. I decided to join the online jobs but still I can't have any money from it. How can I earn an extra income just by joining a site like this? Do you guys has any idea how to do it?
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5 responses
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
I admire you for being a very responsible child. You already have a stable job but still thinking of an extra income. Just go on participating with every discussion you're interested to give your views, your responses will earn for you. Start your own discussions, something quite interesting for the mylotters to respond to. Give your comments for every response you receive. Read or know at mylot on how to increase your earnings more. If you can do some tasks they're giving, upload videos and pictures and invite your friends to join mylot as your referrals. Give time and attention writing at mylot during your free time. Good luck..
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
Thank you. Does uploading pictures and videos help me earn more? I started a discussion but some of them has a few responses. I keep on referring my friends but they're not interested in doing this thing. Can you give me some advice on what interest I should start a discussion?
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
I heard and read something like that, anyway try to do so and see for yourself. Don't get disappointed if there are few responses, later you'' have a discussion with numerous responses. Just keep on writing and the more you do, the more you earn. You can start a discussion about your country, people and culture. An update of everything will be a good topic for discussion as well. Family situations, Special occasions, Current events are good topics.
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• Philippines
14 Oct 10
well thank you for the advice. ill follow what you have say. I guess there will be a lot of mylotters who keep on browsing for the topics to responded to. and i hope one of those topics that they'll going to respond is mine. thank you again bing28.. have a good day....
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@fachan (2)
• India
14 Oct 10
Hi all you need is you have to first find all the legitimate ways to earn money online, There are some genuine and legitimate sites that pay for your hard work. just see this website and learn how to make money online. All the ideas given here are genuine http://www.online-bux.com
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• Philippines
15 Oct 10
Oh really? thank you.. its really important to know the sites that are legitimate and genuine. there are a lot of site that exist only for scams!! I;m a victim of that also. It was given to me by a friend, her referral, but then after you complete their task, its nothing!! Its like you did it for nothing..
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
9 Nov 10
You have to work at it. You won't earn extra income just by joining. If you want to earn from this site you have to respond to at least 40-5o discussions per day. Each response must be a good quality response that shows you actually put some effort into it. Don't just answer yes or no or with one small sentence. You can also earn by writing articles for many sites or by selling stock photography. You may also want to consider using coupons and rebate offers to help save some money. Good luck but know it will take hard work to succeed.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 10
There are a couple of ways to make money online. One is to participate in this site. I am still learning on how it works. At the same time, I am also writing articles - I listed the method in the following article: http://www.buksa.com/articles/373565_a-step-by-step-approach-to-making-money-writing-online Alternatively, is to participate in task, as I saw some people do in facebook through CloudCrowd. There are a few other sites that provide freelance jobs. Personally though I have found any of these are currently making me enough money to brag about. I am still working on expanding it.
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
thanks for the advice. but does it really work? coz we all know there are a lot of sites that will only use you and won't paid you. i have a friend who once told me that coz she was a victim of that site. I dont know how to do the task that this site gives. I havent tried it.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 10
Sorry, there was a typo in my link, it should be: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/373565_a-step-by-step-approach-to-making-money-writing-online
• United States
14 Oct 10
I am a student and have little money to live off of at the moment. I would recommend googling online surveys. I have found a lot that offer points or even a few dollars per survey and they mail you a check once you have earned enough (usually $10). Good luck!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
what site? well good for you your not having trouble with money for now. be a good person in spending it. thank you... but if you can give me the sites, much better..
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