Why do we need so much social networking?

United States
October 14, 2010 7:51pm CST
I will just say up front, I do not have a facebook account, or a myspace, or even a youtube. I was off mylot for a whole year just because I forgot to log in... And They Pay You Here!!! But My Dad (he's pushing 70) now has a facebook account, that my Mom created for him because all the rest of the family (except me apparently) is on the stupid thing. So now every week when I see them I get to hear about how I need to get a facebook account, and a skype account so I can talk to my sister in Utah. i talk to her once a month on the phone and weekly we chat online. Why do I need to skype I ask? So I can see what she looks like they said. my response: She has a computer, and a camera, she can send me a picture. I'm really starting to feel like a social pariah in my own family but it's become much more of a principle thing for me now. does anyone else out there have problems like this and how did you get over them? It's really getting annoying.
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1 response
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
15 Oct 10
Now in these days there is much importance of social networking. So I am also used some social networking site for talking to my friends who are really very far from me. So social networking sites are a good way for me to talk to my friends and mostly I used Facebook. Because there are many friends of mine. So I always used Facebook for talk to them.