Over Protective Father

October 21, 2010 1:42am CST
I have a 1 and 9 months second degree cousin who is admitted in the hospital for around 5 days due to LBM. The baby keep on defecating and its watery. The doctor suggested to dextrose the baby to keep him re-hydrated. But since its a baby, he doesn't want to be injected coz it hurts him. Whenever you look at him you will really feel pity. He can't even stand on his own. His lips are so dry, he wanted to sleep and sleep, his not even taking his milk or any food that could help him. His mom, everytime he fall asleep worries maybe he can't wake up. His Pediatrician told them to dextrose the child. But the father doesn't want to. Because he feel pity on his son and of course the expenses. We keep on explaining to him what will be the cause if he wont allow it. He wanted oral medicines but the child keep on crying everytime he sees the medicines or taste it. The Pediatrician told them that if he doesn't want to then they will sign a papers that whatever happens the doctor and the hospital are not the ones to be blame. If you are a parent, what would you do? Prefer to dextrose your baby or not?
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2 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
1 Nov 10
There would never be anything in the world that would keep me from getting proper medical care for my children. If there was a chance that one of my children was dehydrated, I would give them the saline solution so that they would be able to stay hydrated. There is obviously something wrong with your cousin and until he is treated for what is ailing him, there is no way that he is going to be able to get better.
• Philippines
3 Nov 10
For now the baby is ok. thanks to every one who prayed for him. and for the father, I dont know if they got separated or what because in that time, the girl already plans to go on separate ways with her husband. I dont know exactly the reason behind it nut one reason is because of their child's condition when he was hospitalized. But i guess the girl can handle it.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Oct 10
Hi ahann, Each and very parent are more or less sensitive on their kids especially when they are seriously ill. But preventing the right treatment is not at all good; just imagine, his unnecessary compulsion against the injection results a bad consequence. I think he should change his mind immediately and allow the doctor to treat his baby according to the situation demands. As a parent we may not respond such an irresponsive manner. The first priority goes to the recovery of the child. Please let him make understand the importance of the right treatment. My heart really gets hurts to think about the child after reading the condition of the baby from your post. I hope the baby will get the right treatment at the earliest and recover fast.
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Yeah right! I really agree with what you have said. They all know that the baby badly needs the doctor's assistance. All of us wanted that to happen but we have to respect the father's decision also. So we let them decide what to do on their child. When the father left, the mother didn't tell him that shes planning to dextrose the baby. And now, he's recovering....