Do you respond to discussions you know will be deleted?

@trickiwoo (2702)
United States
October 23, 2010 3:52pm CST
If you see a discussion on MyLot that you know violates the discussion guidelines and will eventually be deleted, do you still respond knowing that you will lose whatever credit you may earn from the discussion? Or do you not waste your time and move on to discussions you'll probably be credited for responding to? If I see a user that is new to MyLot post something that is againt the guidelines, I will almost always respond to explain to them that their discussion is a violation of MyLot's guidelines and therefore will probably be deleted. I also include a link to the MyLot discussion guidelines so they can see what is not allowed. I just like to help other people out. Especially if they're new to this site and might not understand all the rules right away. I know I won't get any credit for my post when the discussion is deleted, but hopefully my response will help the poster get to know the way this site works and help them better enjoy their experience here! I just hope that they read my response before the discussion gets deleted! What about you?
5 responses
@shafiya (26)
• India
24 Oct 10
hi friends, i respond the discussion published in mylot just i read and if i like that discussion then only i respond to that discussion. because if i am not interested about that topic means i didnt show my interest to that discussion. so, i respond the discussion that is include my interest.
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@ellyse2003 (1463)
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
I do sometimes, to inform the new member that his/her discussion is against the rule, to be able to help them start in mylot too. But I get tired also when I see same posts from new members over and over again, I just leave it behind and pay attention to some discussions where I can help a different way.
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@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
23 Oct 10
in reality i did not think much about this point of if i saw a discussions that i want answer andpost in it..i will do it!!Unluckly is true that in some cases people ask soemthing related directly to tos and so the discussion will be deleted.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
23 Oct 10
Not usually, no. They are usually pretty redundant questions, though, too, like "how can I earn on MyLot?" I tend to avoid them because a) I don't feel like answering the same question over and over and over again, b) because it will get deleted, and thus it's time wasted and c) because clearly there are "guidelines" and information available all over the website that people could research and look into. By telling them "how to earn" - it's both going against the guidelines as well as not teaching them a lesson in how to look up information themselves. Not to sound mean, but you know what I mean? lol
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@hushi22 (4928)
23 Oct 10
i try not to but there are times that i am able to because sometimes i dont notice it would be deleted soon.
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