Success = Hardwork or Talent

United States
October 23, 2010 4:25pm CST
People always say, "You need to go to college to be successful." But then there are those who do better without it. An interesting story is that my friend's grandfather makes more money than my friend's parents combined; who both have a PhD in Engineering. I honestly believe that as long as you are passionate with what you do and have a hard work ethic, then you can accomplish anything and don't need a degree that "defines" your talent. Yes, they complement each other, but I would prefer a hard worker over a talented individual any day of the year.
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21 responses
• Canada
23 Oct 10
The problem is that many schools have become a joke. They charge so much money and put little effort into helping students actually learn anything or acquire any skills. So, after years of hard work you emerge with a piece of paper, little to no practical knowledge, and a mountain of debt. Of course, there are good schools and good programs, and no one can argue against the fact that medical doctors, for instance, need every minute of what they get in college. But many people who struggle through college have no better job or money-making prospects than when they started. I find this quite sad, because it indicates that something in the system is very broken!
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• United States
24 Oct 10
That is another great look at it. I don't see why colleges should charge so much if they aren't going provide their resources. And just like you said, there are some good schools out there. Some that are even online. Thanks for your input.
@dodo19 (47314)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
23 Oct 10
I think that it can be a little bit of both. I do think that having some talent can certainly help. However, hard work also will definitely help you. Although I think that having talent helps, I somewhat think that hard work is perhaps a little more important.
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• United States
24 Oct 10
I tend to feel the same way. And I also believe that drive is more important. It's great when there is a perfect balance of both. Even if perfect balance means 25% of one and 75% of the other.
23 Oct 10
It equals both and sometimes it doesn't mean a thing. In the trade I work it's very common for friends of the general manager to be promoted, while the people who actually work have a very difficult time getting anywhere. The only time I ever did was when I was needed and nobody else would help, it's extremely sad. I've managed to work myself into a junior management position only to be made redundant and then you have to start again. Usually it's hardwork that pays off with a spark of talent.
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• United States
24 Oct 10
That is quite unfortunate that you had to start over again. It does get pretty monotonous going through the steps again. And I understand your point of view.
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
23 Oct 10
i think both...because if you have only talent but you don' work hard seldom you can reach the success surely if you work hard but have no talent in that field is difficult you will reach the success i think it is a blanced combination of these two things.
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• United States
24 Oct 10
Yes, they do complement each other. And I see what you are saying; a balance of both. That would be the best. It's great when we meet people like that.
• United States
23 Oct 10
I don't think that argument would hold up very well in my old high school's counseling department. We were told time and time again that we NEEDED to go to college. We NEEDED to make the grades. And above all we NEEDED to have a detailed plan about our future RIGHT NOW! I'm not sure that I agree. I think that schooling and talent actually have very little to do with each other. Most schooling is hard work. Talent is irrelevant unless you do something about it. I think the majority of success, whether it be with school without school is a boatload of hard work and a maybe small slice of dumb luck.
• United States
24 Oct 10
Haha. That's a great theory to live by. And sometimes we can even create our own luck. It's great when that happens.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Oct 10
I agree.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
23 Oct 10
Talent usually comes naturally, doesn't it? Although not always. I mean I feel like if we practice enough (which is equal to working hard/hard-work), we also gain skills & talents in that area - so you can't say that being "Talented" is a natural-born thing - because I don't think it always is! But either way, I love the idea of a motivated, hard-working person. It's the epitome of a good employee, good friend, and so on.
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• United States
24 Oct 10
I understand what you are saying. It's great to have an employee or friend with those traits. They tend to be helpful in almost every case. Thanks for your feed.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
24 Oct 10
How could college dropouts like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson move so far in life? They have a common thing, they never went to college, yet they moved to a paramount distance in life, taking all odds. They shaped a new era. There are many more. But these people are legends of our times. A college education fills the mind with trifles, and stifles ambition.
• United States
26 Oct 10
Very good point. College can tend to be doing that. There are always those whose prefer it though, which is quite odd...
• United States
24 Oct 10
I think true success will take hard work no matter what level of talent one possesses. Because even if you are talented you will still have to work to truly succeed!
• United States
28 Oct 10
I see what you are saying. We can have a great deal of talent, but if we don't use it, then what good is it.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Oct 10
AS far as I am concerned, I think I do agree with you so much here that Success = Hardwork or Talent . If you want to succeed, you must combine hardwork and talent together. No ona can succeed just withhardwork alone or just with talent alone. But if the two good quality combine together, then he will succeed in the near future. So let just do it and try our best to reach the successfull point that we imagined in our mind.Have a nice day!
• United States
28 Oct 10
Thanks for your opinion. I would have to agree what the majority of what you are saying.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
25 Oct 10
Well a bit of both is needed I think. The fact is I can work as hard as I want at something. I can spend all of the time that I want to in the world, years and years, and only have a mediocre amount of talent all things considered. It is really something to see that all of the hard work in the world might not lead to success all of the time. At the same time, talent is really found through hard work and developed. So it is two things that go hand in hand. Whether one is more important than the other, it really depends on where you want to go in life. I think that there are times where talent is going to be needed. At the other times, there is hard work that comes with obtaining a college degree is more favorable, as it gives you some experience in a small way, an edge over some that do not have that going for them.
• Brazil
24 Oct 10
If you want to succed in life you'll need both. Stop and look to this situatio: Jonas have talent for the music but it doesn't work to get visibility, soon it gets older and it's talent turns obsolete and he never used his talent, but if he hard worked and tryed maybe he could be the Led zeppelin of this generation. /\OKok maybe it can be nonsense but maybe someone got my point xD
• Philippines
24 Oct 10
Correct me if I'm wrong here, though most RICH and successful people nowadays didn't go thru all those hard work with books to be able to earn a steady and stable income! The discoverer of Facebook was only a collage student (he hasn't graduated even when he started making millions with the social site!) Oh and for my all time favorite -- Billy Gates. Yes, he's a collage drop out ;-) It all comes from your determination. Just remember kids: Pick a job you really love... and you'll never have to work again. Cheerio! --Jaja
@DertyJ (192)
• United States
24 Oct 10
I think success can happen from either talent or hard work. I would rather have it form hard work because I would feel more accomplished. If you have talent like a good voice or baseball skills then you could have a lot of success. But if you work hard like put a lot of time into your job and/or business then you can turn out successful. So I think success can happen from either but I would rather have it happen to me from hard work. I would rather have it happen at all haha! But hopefully I will be successful. That is my dream.
• United States
24 Oct 10
I see what you are saying. It doesn't feel like you earned it unless you put the time into it. Many people probably feel the same way; just like I did. My dream is to be successful as well. It's a great dream that we can make reality. I wish you the best man. I know you will achieve that goal!
• India
10 Mar 11
yea..i liked your depends on the person to act in a way that he like to do. Passionate to do a particular job....he who does will surely do hardwork to achieve the success. But i saw many hardworkers who need to be trained so that they will surely learn things and make it success when they get the talent or knowledge about a particular domain.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
24 Oct 10
I think that any amount of success that we achieve in our lives has to come from hard work. I don;t think any true success can come from just having talent.
@gunghu (5)
• Czech Republic
24 Oct 10
Either of the two??? I think you can be successful if you are a hardworking person or a talented one or both... without either of the two you can reach nothing...
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 10
I totally agree to you, friend. During the generation of my grandparents and my parents, they were not educated well. But they could extend their business successfully. In their minds, they were thinking those who were educated well could earn more than them. In my generation, I have the same thinking as you. Well educated people do not necessary to earn more than those less educated. The earning of a person is depending on his/her luck and the given opportunities. If you are well educated, then you are easier to earn money. But not necessary you must earn more money. Do you agree to me ? ha! ha! ha!
• China
24 Oct 10
Wow,your parents are really something . Seriously ,i can't agree with you more .To my mind ,success just represents a good feeling .If one feels successful ,he succeeds .Money has nothing to do with it .So it is not appropriate to evaluate one's achievement by the money he owns .Even so ,Why do you prefer a hard worker ?
• China
24 Oct 10
yes, i think so . no matter what you do just need your hardwork and talent . they are all together for success. so if you have the talent enough . but if you dont work hard. then success doesnt belong to you . so if you are working hard. but you are not so talent , then you will fail again . so these two are nessecarry to the success in the world. good luck.
• India
24 Oct 10
SUCCESS= LUCK + TALENT + HARDWORD WORK. Many people have talent, they work hard but they do not get success becuase they do not have luck at that particular time. So for success, Luck comes first, then Talent and then Hardwork. If these three combine, then success is assured.