I created song to save,show my bf bcs was sounding good and then forgot it T_T

happy lovers^^ - boy and girl happy together^^
October 29, 2010 10:03am CST
hi guys^^ sometimes i have the habit to start singing songs that dont exist and create sound and lyrics without writing but only singing and it flows ahah a bit crazy i know^^ so other day i started when in shower singing a song and was liking it so i thought will save and show my bf^^ i would save it but had to do something and when came back to save the song i forgot :( didnt remember it anymore :( i was so sad bcs really sounded a good song :( anyway lets see if one of these days im inspired again^^ did something similar with this ever happened to you? like a cute song, or poem, or story or a video or a letter you wanted give to your bf and suddenly or didnt know what to write or forgot? please share^^
4 responses
29 Oct 10
This is a shame, but we all do it, we often have great ideas on things and then we get distracted and forget all about what it was we thought of.
• Portugal
29 Oct 10
yes thats true craigy^^ that happens to everyone^^ anyway is all ok^^ would be worse if i told him i have a song for you and he asked what is it?^^ and then i forgot ahah^^ this way i didnt tell him^^ i can create other songs anyway^^ when im inspired ahah^^ but today isnt really my inspiring day. we are having some probs so. anyway how are you?^^
29 Oct 10
give it time, im sure you will remember something or create something new
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
thanks craigy^^ i dont know^^ im not in mood these days to create songs^^ i just am worried in earning money also to help my mum^^ i dont want to be without give her some. i will work hard for help her also^^ my bf was my priority. i wanted see him near. but all he is seeing is his family. so i will see him but also will work hard for help my mum too. i want help her paying bills. she is very understanding with me so i need help her^^
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
Wow! That's a great things to you, my friend. I appreciate it and hope you do much love songs....
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
ahah ^^ sometimes i sing but then forget the lyrics^^ is ok i do that only sometimes^^ i wont have a career in music^^ im shy to sing in public^^ but i have some files of me singing in facebook^^ ahah my friends there said i have cute voice^^ so maybe i could be a singer if trained my voice more and if wasnt shy of sing in front of many people^^
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Nov 10
Why you shy exploring your ability to sing in public. Who knows someone discover you that you have a hidden golden voice and be popular
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
I always have a lot of letters and poems in my mind before and would try to write it down. But when i do, i already forget what the exact words are. And i find it a waste too because i know it was really a good one. Im not the singer so i don't really like to write or sing songs of love that i made the lyrics on my own..
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
5 Nov 10
That's really cute, making your own song and lyrics. I do have a small notebook with me everywhere i go but most of the time my ideas flow while im in the jeepney or while walking and can't really find a place to stop and write. I checked your blog already..keep it up! It's nice...
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
thats cute that you think about letters and poems in your mind and then write it down^^ its cute ^^ but sorry that you forget that maybe you should always have a notebook near you^^ so when start the ideas you grab it and start writing while the ideas are flowing^^ i also have a notebook with poems^^ and also have one with stories^^ im writing a story now in my blog these days^^ just today didnt write there yet^^ i wanted call people to my blog but seems it is hard^^ many people have blogs with their writings so is complicated^^ i just sometimes start singing and melodies that dont exist and i create only^^ and the lyrics also in english ahah^^
@tuamora (79)
• United States
3 Nov 10
I am a songwriter, and that is the best way to get inspiration is to just start singing. What I suggest is you buy a recording device and carry it with you at all times, even if it is just your cellular phone. Record your little melodies. Later get a pen and paper out and finish the entire song with a chorus and a bridge. you would be surprised what you can do with your imagination.
• Portugal
3 Nov 10
yes ahah i did that one hour ago^^ just recorded a song with a melody that i started other day^^ sometimes i just start to sing and i want to record yes^^ i do that in my cell^^ and even put a video in facebook with a song i created^^ a friend liked it and said for me to put in youtube^^ that maybe people started to notice me^^ but i dont think i am that good :) but i post few videos^^