Speaking truth every time- Wise or cuel and unkind ? :-0

@roxyoo7 (246)
October 30, 2010 1:09pm CST
Would telling the police where the body is buried do any good to suspect? Obviously not. Would it be best for him to do so? From the suspect's perspective not if not telling the truth results in him being freed with no case to answer. Truth is not an absolute. Consider the case of the mother who chose not to tell her 13 year old daughter that doctors believed she would die before her fourteenth birthday. Would the child who lived to be seventeen have had a better time in her short life, if she had known that she was dying of cancer? Despite the burden that the mother bore in keeping such an awful secret, who can doubt that she was wiser to keep that ugly truth to herself? To always tell the truth is unrealistic. The small lies that most people tell every day help to lubricate the wheels of society and keep things rolling along smoothly. Lies told for malicious purposes have a way of growing and getting entangled. They nearly always end up ensnaring the liar who told them in the first place, building between him and reality a thorny thicket of untruths and half lies that eventually catch him out. I know that many will say that The truth is glorious.The truth has an inherent beauty. The truth will set you free! Once the truth is out there, you have no choice but to feel free.No doubt Lying certainly doesn't help, it just clouds the picture of our lives. But what does it hurt to tell a plain girl she looks lovely? Why is it necessary to hurt someone's feelings with brutal honesty if a gentle lie would make them feel great? In the face of disaster, telling the truth may cause those involved to give up all hope and cease trying to survive, but an optimistic lie may give them the strength to carry on. We are even encouraged to lie to ourselves when ill because the power of positive thinking can be a wonderful medicine. There are times when pure, naked and hurtful truth is an absolute necessity. Sugar-coating in reality does no-one any favours, while on the other hand a few well-placed home truths can save lives, or make broken lives better. But to tell the truth always? No, that's not wise. It is selfish and unkind. Well I think spitting out truth each and every time isn't wise. At times it can be cruel and unkind. What are your views people. :-)
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6 responses
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
30 Oct 10
I am a believer in telling the truth. Your first example: if he told the truth, justice would be done, and he could make peace with God. Much better than being tormented by his crime.
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@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
30 Oct 10
Yeah !! You're absolutely right buddy.! But think of case when speaking truth can really shatter other person's heart. I'm talking about the case when speaking truth can really hurt and almost kill the listener. :-) Thanks for sharing your views BTW ?
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@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
31 Oct 10
I'm curious. Give me a scenario where telling the truth could shatter someone. Let's see if I can give a positive spin. Let's say there was a hurricane coming wouldn't we want to tell everyone the truth even if it would upset some people, maybe they wanted to go to the beach that day.
@aaronfyzeon (1920)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
If you really about to say the truth, it will really hurt big time but it is up to us how we deliver it. We should tell the truth in a way that is very professional and really just according to what you what to tell the person.
@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
31 Oct 10
Well now here's something interesting. You just said that speaking truth in a way that is very professional, but even if we do so, I don't think we can hide obvious thing which are going to hurt next person.
@vijay12 (1642)
• India
30 Oct 10
Your are right."Truth",is a very big concept.To tell the Truth,always, is impossible.Normal Humans cannot do it,IMHO.Besides,sometimes,a lie can save a situation and many families.It is said,there are very few families,without skeletons in their cupboards. It requires enormous courage to be True,always.
@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
30 Oct 10
Yeah!! Buddy You're correct. Anyways,thanks for sharing your views. And Nice DP btw. I hope it helps you in earning fast. :-p *Just Kidding*
@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
30 Oct 10
Most people donĀ“t want to lie. I want to tell the truth - even as a child it was important for me to not lie. But in some cases, like the one you mentioned, the truth can be very devastating. And if it is about health problems, who can always know the ultimate truth?? It can sometimes be wise to not tell the whole truth, rather say nothing or only partly say how it is, still without lying.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
31 Oct 10
The wisest decision we can make is to speak the truth. Telling a lie never really solves anything. it doesn't make a situation any better. it often makes it worse. I don't think it is cruel or unkind to tell the truth.
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
hi,speaking the truth will be always be best for us.it is one personality that i think i have but for some reasons sometimes i made white lies in order to play safe and to protect my kids and family.