Which do yo prefer to use for plate liquid soap or bar soap?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
October 31, 2010 1:08pm CST
Before people are using bar soap in washing plate.But now many moms find it comfortable to use liquid soap.And it smell better than bar soap. Personally I prefer liquid soap in washing plate because it easily removes oil and grease from plates and casserole, It also smell like fruits or candies, and the liquid soap easily works lather and easily removed by water whe you rinse the plate. Another advantage of using liquid soap is you can only use the amount you need so you waste nothing, unlike bar soap once its wet it was easily dissolved and a big portion of it might be wasted. That's why when I use bar soap I cut it into half so I'll keep the other half for future use. How about you? which do you prefer to use in washing plates and casserole? and why?
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7 responses
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
2 Jan 11
I always use liquid soap to wash plates, as I have been using liquid soap since I was young at home, I think it's more convenient to use liquid soap. I only used bar soap when I was staying in hostel or when we went to some resorts where they provided bar soap only. I usually squeeze some liquid soap into a small container and mix with water, hen use a sponge to wash the plates. If the pan or pot is too oily, then I'll just squeeze the liquid soap into the pan or pot directly.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
15 Dec 10
I prefer to use liquid soap for my hands and washing my body that a bar of soap. It is a natural soap the fragrance of flowers. I have the same fragrance shampoo and conditioner. For washing dishes and cups I have a liquid sort of washing up soap. It gets rid of grease and marks of them. For tea stains I use some white powder. I buy vegan products especially ones that have natural ingredients and no chemicals.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
31 Oct 10
growing up my mom used brown bar soap at the kitchen sink. Nowadays I use liquid soap and have even tried dawn foam too. It's so much easier to use liquid soap.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
31 Oct 10
i grew up on bar soap. it was always easy to hold onto. liquid soap is convenient and easy to use. i am usually happier with bar soap but i will use soap in any form.
@doggieMJ (55)
• United States
1 Nov 10
i prefer liquid soap, because you can use it for many things, in can get in many areas, it is liquid, and it doesn't slip out of ur hand every 5 seconds. Yeah, liquid soap is just so much easier.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
31 Oct 10
I actually prefer liquid soap too. But my fiancee prefers soap bars, so we have both at home, so that we can both use what we like most.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
31 Oct 10
Hm i never heard of using a bar of soap to clean anything besides your body and sometimes even hair.I definetly prefer the modern way of just using liquid soap i imagine its more of a pain trying to wash dishes with a bar of soap when you can just squirt liquid soap on the dishcloth and use it. so liquid soap for sure.